\begindata{text,40} \textdsversion{12} \define{comment attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{function attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{declaration attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{type_declaration attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{attribute attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{operation_attribute attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{type_attribute attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{port_attribute attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{type_specifier attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{parameter attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{clause attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{userdef attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set]} \define{global attr:[LeftMargin LeftEdge Int 16] attr:[Indent LeftMargin Int -16] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[Flags ContinueIndent Int Set] attr:[FontFace FixedFace Int Set] attr:[FontFamily AndyType Int 0] attr:[Flags TabsCharacters Int Set]} %c /* 'c' means the following code is similar to C code; use 'p' for pascal similar code and then use the pascal version of NIDL. (See Chapters 4 and 5 of NCS Reference Manual). */ [ uuid(35c2c6a25000.0d.00.00.c3., version(0) ] interface /* Specifiy the name of the interface */ /* B O D Y The following section must contain at least one constant, type, or operation declaration. All must be terminated by a semicolon. Also, this section must be enclosed by braces. */ \{ /* Declarator List - Specify any variable names with particular types. */ char [length]; float ; long int <*pointer_name>; /* Specify a pointer with an asterisk */ /* Constant Section - Place any constant declarations here. Examples: const int array_size = 100; const char jsb = "Jonathan Sebastian Bach"; */ const int = ; const int = ; /* Type section - Place any type declarations below. (See Chapter 4 of NCS Reference for more information). */ typedef long ; typedef char ; /* Functions - Each function must contain a data type that will be returned by the operation and a name. The data type returned can be any scalar or previously named data type, but CANNOT be a pointer. A 'void' is used if the operation does not return. If the 'out' direction of the parameter is chosen, the variable_name must be a pointer (denoted by an asterisk). Example: void bank$kill_acct( handle_t [in] *h, bank$acct_t [in] acct, status_$t [out] *st ); */ void ( [] *, [] ); int ( [] *, [] ); \} \ \enddata{text,40}