{{header}} '''For Debian host operating systems''' {{VirtualBox_Host_Software_Installation_Option |who=Debian users }} {{mbox |addToClass=cs-gray-light |text= '''Select your Debian release below''' to get the matching instructions. {{Tab |type=controller |content= {{Tab| |title= ==== Debian bookworm (stable) or bullseye (oldstable) ==== |addToClass=info-box |content= To acquire the [[VirtualBox/Recommended_Version|Recommended VirtualBox version]] tested with {{project_name_short}}, package {{{virtualbox_package_debian}}} should be installed from Debian [https://fasttrack.debian.net/ fasttrack repository] according to the following instructions. This is {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Install_Software#Best_Practices |text=non-ideal }} but required since VirtualBox in unavailable in official Debian {{Stable_project_version_based_on_Debian_codename}} repository and difficult to install due to [[Dev/VirtualBox#VirtualBox_Installation_Challenges|VirtualBox Installation Challenges]]. Alternatively you could install VirtualBox from the [[VirtualBox/Other_Versions#Install_from_Oracle_Repository|Oracle (virtualbox.org) Repository]], but this comes with different [[Install_Software#Foreign_Sources|risks]]. VirtualBox might be updated by VirtualBox developers before being tested with {{project_name_short}} which could then lead to issues. (Described in footnote [[VirtualBox/Recommended_Version|Recommended Version]].) {{IconSet|h3|1}} '''On the host : Open a terminal.''' {{IconSet|h3|2}} '''Update the package lists.''' {{CodeSelect|code= sudo apt update }} {{IconSet|h3|3}} '''Install the Debian fasttrack signing key.''' {{CodeSelect|code= sudo apt install --no-install-recommends fasttrack-archive-keyring }} {{IconSet|h3|4}} '''Add the Debian fasttrack repository.''' {{CodeSelect|code= echo 'deb https://fasttrack.debian.net/debian/ {{Stable_project_version_based_on_Debian_codename}}-fasttrack main contrib non-free' {{!}} sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fasttrack.list }} {{IconSet|h3|5}} '''Add Debian the backports repository.''' This is required because the Debian fasttrack repository depends on the Debian the backports repository. {{CodeSelect|code= echo 'deb https://deb.debian.org/debian {{Stable_project_version_based_on_Debian_codename}}-backports main contrib non-free' {{!}} sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list }} {{IconSet|h3|6}} '''Update the package lists again.''' This is to acquire the Debian fasttrack repository package sources. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo apt update }} {{IconSet|h3|7}} '''Install VirtualBox and Linux kernel headers.''' {{CodeSelect|code= sudo apt install --no-install-recommends {{{virtualbox_package_debian}}} linux-headers-$(dpkg --print-architecture) }} {{IconSet|h3|8}} '''Add your current user to group vboxusers.''' Optional: See: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch02.html#install-linux-vboxusers Also spams ~/.config/VirtualBox/VBoxSVC.log log if not done. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo adduser $(whoami) vboxusers }} {{IconSet|h3|9}} '''Done.''' The procedure of installing the VirtualBox host software is complete. }} {{Tab| |title= ==== Debian Testing ==== |addToClass=info-box |content= VirtualBox can be installed by adding the Debian unstable (sid) repository and APT pinning. The details of this are [[unspecific|unspecific to {{project_name_short}}]] and [[undocumented]]. }} {{Tab| |title= ==== Debian Unstable ==== |addToClass=info-box |content= VirtualBox can be installed by adding the Debian unstable (sid) repository. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo apt update }} {{CodeSelect|code= sudo apt install --no-install-recommends {{{virtualbox_package_debian}}} linux-headers-$(dpkg --print-architecture) }} {{CodeSelect|code= sudo adduser $(whoami) vboxusers }} The details of this are [[unspecific|unspecific to {{project_name_short}}]] and [[undocumented]]. }} {{Tab| |title= ==== Other Debian Releases ==== |addToClass=info-box |content= Other Debian releases might work, but this is [[untested]]. In case of other Debian release:{{virtualbox_host_software_installation_see_also_linux}} }} }} }} = Footnotes = {{Footer}} [[Category:MultiWiki]]