{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}} {{#seo: |description={{project_name_long}} Advanced Documentation. |image=Advanceddocumentation213123.jpg }} __NOTOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__ {{documentation_mininav}} {{Intro| The documentation on this wiki page is for advanced users only. }} {{Expand_or_Collapse_All}}

Platform Support

* {{project_name_short}} ** [[File:Kvm-new-logo.png|30px|link=KVM]] [[KVM|{{project_name_short}} for KVM]] ** [[File:qubes-logo-blue.png|15px|link=Qubes]] [[Qubes|{{project_name_short}} for Qubes OS]]

{{project_name_short}}-specific Activities and Configurations

* Backups and Restore ** [[Backup VMs|Backup {{project_name_short}} VMs]] ** [[Raw_Disk_Backup|Full Raw Disk Backup]] * Builds ** [[Dev/Build Documentation|Build and Update {{project_name_short}} from Source Code]] * Design ** [[Boot Clock Randomization]] ** [[Design|Technical Design]] ** [[Security Roadmap|{{project_name_short}} Security Roadmap]] * Desktop Environments ** [[Other_Desktop_Environments|Other Desktop Environments]] * Firewalls * [[Reporting_Bugs#Issue_Tracker|Issues Tracker]] ** [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/development/8 Development Forum] [http://forums.{{project_onion}}/c/development/8 (.onion)] ** [https://gitlab.com/{{project_name_short_lowercase}} GitLab] ** [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}} GitHub] * Packages ** [[apparmor.d|apparmor.d (Full System AppArmor Profile)]] ** [[apt-file]] - show which files are being included by a package ** [[command-not-found|command-not-found - suggest installation of missing software packages in terminal]] ** [[debug-misc|debug-misc: Enable Easier Debugging]] ** [[Hardened-kernel|hardened-kernel]] ** [[Security-misc|security-misc: Enhance Miscellaneous Security Settings]] ** [[swap-file-creator]] * Repositories and Packages ** [[Project-APT-Repository|{{project_name_short}} APT Repository and Enabling / Disabling]] ** [[Debian Packages|{{project_name_short}} Debian Packages and Safe Removal]]


* Configuration Activities ** [[Configuration Files|Configuration Files and Drop-In Folders]] ** [[Distribution Morphing]] ** [[grub-live]] ** [[grub]] ** [[Installation_of_Debian_based_Linux_distributions_in_a_folder_chroot|Install Debian (based) Linux Distributions in a Folder]] * Research Papers ** [https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/psysec.html Psychology and Security Resource Page] * [[sparse_files|Sparse Files]] * VM Operations ** [[Grow Virtual Harddisk|Increase the Virtual Hard Disk]] ** [[Shrink Virtual Harddisk|Shrink Virtual Harddisk Size]] ** [[Nested Virtualization|Nested Virtualization]] ** [[Tuning|VirtualBox Tuning]] * [[Threat Modeling]] * [[Non Anonymous Onion Encryption and NAT Traversal]] * [[Artificial_intelligence|Real Open Source Artificial Intelligence (AI)]] * [[Dev/Open_Source_Business_Models|Open Source Business Models]]


* [[System_identity_camouflage|System Identity Camouflage]] * [[CPUID|CPUID - Security and Privacy Threats]] * [[Signify|Signify: Cryptographically Sign and Verify Files]] * [[Browser]]

{{project_name_short}} Comparison with Others

* [[MacOS Hosts]] * [[Windows Hosts]] * [[Mobile Operating System Comparison]]
{{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]