{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}} {{#seo: |description={{project_name_long}} Advanced Documentation. |image=Advanceddocumentation213123.jpg }} __NOTOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__ {{documentation_mininav}} {{Intro| The documentation on this wiki page is for advanced users only. }} {{Expand_or_Collapse_All}}
(Full System AppArmor Profile)]]
** [[apt-file]] - show which files are being included by a package
** [[command-not-found|command-not-found - suggest installation of missing software packages in terminal]]
** [[debug-misc|debug-misc: Enable Easier Debugging]]
** [[Hardened-kernel|hardened-kernel]]
** [[Security-misc|security-misc: Enhance Miscellaneous Security Settings]]
** [[swap-file-creator]]
* Repositories and Packages
** [[Project-APT-Repository|{{project_name_short}} APT Repository and Enabling / Disabling]]
** [[Debian Packages|{{project_name_short}} Debian Packages and Safe Removal]]