@online{latexteam2024interfaces, title = {The {\LaTeX}3 interfaces}, author = {{The {\LaTeX} Project}}, date = {2024-05-08}, url = {http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/required/l3kernel/interface3.pdf}, urldate = {2024-05-15}, note = {The referenced version of the document is attached to this document.\embedfile{interface3.pdf}}, } @online{latexteam2024style, title = {The {\LaTeX}3 kernel}, subtitle = {Style guide for code authors}, author = {{The {\LaTeX} Project}}, date = {2024-04-11}, url = {http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/required/l3kernel/l3styleguide.pdf}, urldate = {2024-05-08}, note = {The referenced version of the document is attached to this document.\embedfile{l3styleguide.pdf}}, } @online{latexteam2024programming, title = {The expl3 package and {\LaTeX}3 programming}, author = {{The {\LaTeX} Project}}, date = {2024-04-11}, url = {http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/required/l3kernel/expl3.pdf}, urldate = {2024-05-08}, note = {The referenced version of the document is attached to this document.\embedfile{expl3.pdf}}, } @online{starynovotny2024static3, title = {Static analysis of expl3 programs (3)}, subtitle = {Design Specification}, author = {Starý Novotný, Vít}, url = {https://witiko.github.io/Expl3-Linter-3/}, % urldate = {XXX}, note = {To be released}, } @online{josephwright2024obsolete, author = {Joseph Wright}, date = {2024-04-29}, url = {https://github.com/latex3/latex3/pull/1542#issuecomment-2082352499}, urldate = {2024-05-15}, } @book{flemming1999principles, author = {Flemming Nielson and Nielson, Hanne Riis and Chris Hankin}, title = {Principles of Program Analysis}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-03811-6}, isbn = {978-3-540-65410-0}, date = {1999-10-22}, publisher = {Springer}, location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, edition = {1}, pagetotal = {452}, }