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File version 1.4 2017-2-4


濡傛灉鎮ㄦ鍦ㄨ€冭檻鍚戣嚜宸辩殑瀛︽牎鎴栧氨鑱屾満鏋勬彁鍑轰娇鐢═eX锛堟垨LaTeX, XeLaTeX绛夛級鐨勬彁璁紝浣嗘槸鍗翠笉鐭ラ亾濡備綍鐫€鎵嬶紝閭d箞杩欎唤鏂囨。涔熻鍙互甯埌鎮細
* 鏂囨。鎬濊矾娓呮櫚锛岃璇佸厖鍒嗭紱
* 鏂囨。鍐呮湁澶ч噺鐨勮皟鏌ユ暟鎹拰鍥捐〃锛�
* 鏂囨。鍐呮彁渚涗簡寰堝鍙傝€冮摼鎺ュ拰鏂囩尞锛�
* 鏂囨。涓叿浣撹璁轰簡鎻愯鍘熷洜銆佷緷璧栨潯浠跺拰瀹炴柦鎺柦锛�
* 鏈€閲嶈鐨勬槸锛屾枃妗g敱LaTeX璇█鍐欐垚锛屾湰韬氨鏄竴涓娇鐢═eX鐨勪緥瀛愩€�


鏈枃妗d粠浠嬬粛鎺掔増绯荤粺TeX鐨勮儗鏅拰鐗圭偣寮€濮嬶紝浠庣爺绌剁敓鏈熷垔璁烘枃鎶曠ǹ浠ュ強姣曚笟鐢熸瘯涓氳鏂囨帓鐗堝伐浣滆繖涓や釜缁村害闃愯堪浜嗗紩鍏eX浣滀负涓€绉嶄笌Office Word骞宠鐨勫啓浣滅郴缁熺殑浼樺娍鍜屽繀瑕佹€э紝鏈€缁堟彁鍑轰竴濂楀熀浜庨噸搴嗗ぇ瀛﹀疄闄呮儏鍐点€佹湁鏁堝彲琛岀殑瀹炴柦鏂规銆�

Here are the original source code and necessary attachment of _Proposal for Offering TeX Courses and Relevant Resources in Chongqing University_.

This proposal could be helpful if one is considering suggest his/her university or company to use TeX(or, LaTeX, XeLaTeX) as typesetting system, especially for Chinese universities and companies.

The present proposal mainly explains the importance and necessity of introducing TeX, a typeset system often used in academic writing, to students and teachers as the counterpart of Microsoft Word. This proposal starts from a brief introduction of TeX, then steps further into its fascinating application on academic writing and dissertation formatting. In the end, a set of possible implementation strategies with regard to the proper introduction of TeX and relevant resources to our university, is proposed.

* Proposal with clear thinking and full reasoning;
* Lots of survey data and charts;
* A number of links and reference documents;
* Analysis with Reasoning, Dependencies and Detailed Measures;
* Most importantly, the proposal is written in LaTeX, which is an example of TeX use itself.

# 鏂囨。鐩綍 / Table of Contents

| # | 涓枃 | English | 椤电爜 / Page |
| 1 | 寮曡█ | Introduction | 1 |
| 2 | 鎴戜滑闇€瑕乀eX | Need for TeX | 2 |
| 2.1 | 浠€涔堟槸TeX锛屼互鍙婂畠鑳藉仛浠€涔� | TeX, and the Talent Show | 2 |
| 2.2 | 鏈熷垔鎶曠ǹ瀵筎eX鐨勯渶姹� | TeX in Academic Writing | 9 |
| 2.3 | 鎾板啓姣曚笟璁烘枃瀵筎eX鐨勯渶姹� | Dissertation Typesetting with TeX | 9 |
| 2.4 | TeX鐨勫叾浠栧吀鍨嬭繍鐢ㄧ幆澧� | Other Typical Application of TeX | 14 |
| 3 | 鎺ュ彈浣跨敤TeX鎾板啓鐨勬瘯涓氳鏂� | Advices on Acceptance for Dissertation Typesetting with TeX | 14 |
| 3.1 | 鎻愯鍘熷洜 | Reasoning | 14 |
| 3.2 | 渚濊禆鏉′欢 | Dependencies | 17 |
| 3.3 | 鍏蜂綋鎺柦 | Detailed Measures | 18 |
| 4 | 寮€璁綯eX閫変慨璇剧▼ | Advices on Offering TeX Courses and Resources | 18 |
| 4.1 | 鎻愯鍘熷洜 | Reasoning | 18 |
| 4.2 | 渚濊禆鏉′欢 | Dependencies | 19 |
| 4.3 | 鍏蜂綋鎺柦 | Detailed Measures | 19 |
| 5 | 寤虹珛閲嶅簡澶уCTAN闀滃儚 | Advices on Setting Up a CTAN Mirror | 19 |
| 5.1 | 鎻愯鍘熷洜 | Reasoning | 20 |
| 5.2 | 渚濊禆鏉′欢 | Dependencies | 20 |
| 5.3 | 鍏蜂綋鎺柦 | Detailed Measures | 21 |
| 6 | 缁撹 | Conclusion | 21 |
|  | 鍙傝€冩枃鐚� | Reference | 22 |
|  | 鍏抽敭璇嶇储寮� | Index | 23 |

# 鏂囨。涓嬭浇 / PDF Download

PDF available at:

* [Github](https://github.com/CQUtug/TeXProposal/raw/master/texproposal.pdf)
* [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/154440)
* [CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/texproposal)


Source code available at:

* [Github](https://github.com/CQUtug/TeXProposal/archive/master.zip)
* [CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/texproposal)

# 寮曠敤鏈枃妗� / Cite as
LI Zhennan, WU Chenyu, LIU Chunlei, & ZHAO Pinyong. (2016, September 20). Proposal for Offering TeX Courses and Relevant Resources in Chongqing University. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.154440

# 鑷磋阿 / Acknowledgement


* 閲嶅簡澶у澶у鐢熷垱鏂板疄璺典腑蹇�
* [閲嶅簡澶у姣曚笟璁烘枃LaTeX妯℃澘](https://github.com/nanmu42/CQUThesis)
* [閲嶅簡澶у瑙嗚鏍囪瘑绱犳潗鍖匽(https://github.com/CQUtug/CQULogo)

The author would like to acknowledge these contributors / projects for their efforts and, essentially, beautiful mind:

* Innovation Center of Undergraduates, Chongqing University
* [LaTeX Thesis Template for Chongqing University](https://github.com/nanmu42/CQUThesis)
* [Visual Identification Bundle of Chongqing University](https://github.com/CQUtug/CQULogo)

# 鍐呭璁稿彲 / License
鏈」鐩腑鐨勬帓鐗堢粨鏋滐紙鍗抽」鐩緭鍑虹殑PDF鏂囦欢锛変娇鐢╗Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 璁稿彲](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)锛涗綑涓嬬敤浜庢寚瀹氭牸寮忓拰杩涜鎺掔増鐨勬簮浠g爜浣跨敤[MIT 璁稿彲](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)銆傛簮浠g爜涓檮甯︾殑闄勪欢锛堝嵆鍖呭惈鐨勫浘褰€€丳DF鏂囦欢锛変娇鐢╗Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 璁稿彲](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)銆備娇鐢ㄤ互涓嬫槸涓€浠芥櫘閫氫汉鍙互鐞嗚В鐨勮鍙崗璁瑕� (浣嗕笉鏄浛浠�) 锛�

* 鎮ㄥ皧閲嶆垜浠殑缃插悕鏉冿紝鍦ㄨ浣挎潈鍔涙椂锛堝寘鎷絾涓嶉檺浜庡鏈綔鍝侀儴鍒嗘垨鍏ㄩ儴鐨勮浆杞姐€佸鍒躲€佸紩鐢ㄣ€佹紨缁庯級鍚戞垜浠嚧璋紝骞堕檮涓奫鏂囩珷閾炬帴](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.154440)锛�
* 鎮ㄤ笉鑳藉湪琛屼娇鏉冨姏鏃朵娇鐢ㄦ妧鏈墜娈靛奖鍝嶈繖浠藉唴瀹硅鍙殑鏁堝姏锛�
* 鎮ㄥ悓鎰忥紝鎴戜滑涓嶅簲璇ヤ篃涓嶄細涓烘偍鐨勪换浣曡涓鸿礋璐c€�

The content of this project itself(i.e. the PDF output of this project) is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), and all the underlying source code used to format and display that content are licensed under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). All the attachment(graphs, PDFs, etc.) provided are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).