% The format of this file must be strictly retained to avoid problems % in the generation of examples.html \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{quick}} \caption{The quick-start example from the manual \src{quick.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{{\small\getpic{Resistors}}} \caption{Resistors, showing some variations and the ebox \src{Resistors.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{{\small\getpic{Capacitors}}} \caption{Capacitors \src{Capacitors.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{{\small\getpic{Inductors}}} \caption{Inductors \src{Inductors.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Diodes}} \caption{Diodes: appending a {\tt K} to the second argument draws an open arrowhead \src{Diodes.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Emarrows}} \caption{Radiation arrows \src{Emarrows.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Variable}} \caption{Arrows and marks for showing variability \src{Variable.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Sources}} \caption{Sources and source-like elements \src{Sources.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{AmpTable}} \caption{Macros {\tt amp}, {\tt delay}, and {\tt integrator} \src{AmpTable.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Fuses}} \caption{Macros {\tt fuse,} {\tt cbreaker,} and {\tt jumper} \src{Fuses.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Arresters}} \caption{The {\tt arrester} macro \src{Arresters.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{MoreTable}} \caption{Additional two-terminal elements \src{MoreTable.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Grounds}} \caption{Ground symbols \src{Grounds.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Antennas}} \caption{Antenna symbols \src{Antennas.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Switches}} \caption{The switch macros; {\tt switch(,,,L|B|D)} is a wrapper for {\tt lswitch}, {\tt bswitch}, and {\tt dswitch} \src{Switches.m4}.} } \bfig{ {\small\centerline{\getpic{Opamp}} } \caption{The opamp \src{Opamp.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Audio}} \caption{Audio elements \src{Audio.m4}.} } \bfig{ {\small\centerline{\getpic{Xform}} } \caption{Some variations of the transformer element, drawing direction down \src{Xform.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{NPDT}} \caption{Double throw with the {\tt NPDT} macro \src{NPDT.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Contact}} \caption{A non-exhaustive sampling of {\tt contact} macro variations \src{Contact.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Contacts}} \caption{The {\tt contacts} macro \src{Contacts.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{relaycoil}} \caption{The {\tt relaycoil} macro \src{relaycoil.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Relay}} \caption{Some variants of {\tt relay} \src{Relay.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Jack}} \caption{The {\tt jack} and {\tt plug} macros \src{Jack.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Conn}} \caption{The {\tt tstrip}, {\tt ccoax}, {\tt tconn}, and {\tt tbox} macros \src{Conn.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Pconn}} \caption{The {\tt pconnex} macro \src{Pconn.m4}.} } \ifmpost\else\bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{cbresistor}} \caption{Color-coded through-hole resistors. All are 10 percent tolerance except the last, which illustrates 5 percent \src{cbresistor.m4}.} }\fi \ifmpost\else\ifpostscript\else\bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{EVplugs}} \caption{Electric vehicle charging plug patterns make extensive use of {\sl key=value} pairs to set options \src{EVplugs.m4}.} }\fi\fi \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Headers}} \caption{The {\tt Header} macro \src{Headers.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Connectors}} \caption{Some connectors with simple geometry and lists of labels \src{Connectors.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Chips}} \caption{IC package outlines and examples \src{Chips.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{fet}} \caption{FETs, showing programmable components and example customizations \src{fet.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ujt}} \caption{UJT examples \src{ujt.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{thyristor}} \caption{Thyristor examples. The thyristor is a 3- or 4-terminal composite element \src{thyristor.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Bip}} \caption{Bipolar transistors (drawing direction: up) \src{Bip.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Tgate}} \caption{The {\tt tgate} and {\tt ptrans} elements \src{Tgate.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Nport}} \caption{The {\tt nport} and {\tt nterm} macros \src{Nport.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{NLG}} \caption{Some customizations of {\tt nport} \src{NLG.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Windings}} \caption{The macro {\tt winding(L|R,diam,pitch,turns,core wid,core color)} \src{Windings.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex01}} \caption{Two simple labeled circuits \src{ex01.m4}.} } \bfig{ {\small\centerline{\getpic{Optoiso}} } \caption{Optical isolator: a circuit with right or left orientation \src{Optoiso.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Mixer}} \caption{A balanced mixer, using {\tt mosfet} and a custom transformer \src{Mixer.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{PushPull}} \caption{A push-pull mixer, showing FETs with multiple gates \src{PushPull.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Quantum}} \caption{A quantum circuit and a superconducting quantum interface device (drawing direction down) \src{Quantum.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Sixpole}} \caption{A six-pole filter \src{Sixpole.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex18}} \caption{Precision half-wave rectifier and a tunnel diode circuit (illustrating {\tt opamp, diode, resistor, ground,} and labels) \src{ex18.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex10}} \caption{Non-planar graph and bistable circuit (illustrating the {\tt crossover} macro and colored elements) \src{ex10.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Three}} \caption{Three-phase oscillator \src{Three.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{MC}} \caption{A three-phase switched AC-AC converter and a DC-DC converter \src{MC.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex12}} \caption{ A CMOS NAND gate, a test circuit, and an XMOSFET example \src{ex12.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{pwrsupply}} \caption{An elementary power supply circuit with colored elements, and a multiple-winding transformer with 3-phase rectifier \src{pwrsupply.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{TTLnand}} \caption{ TTL NAND gate illustrating a transistor with multiple emitters \src{TTLnand.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{I2L}} \caption{ Gate circuit and equivalent embedded $I^2L$ components illustrating multiple collectors \src{I2L.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Schottky}} \caption{ A 4-input NAND circuit illustrating the {\tt S} (Schottky) option of {\tt bi\_trans} \src{Schottky.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex11}} \caption{Transistor radio audio chain \src{ex11.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{LT3724}} \caption{IC controller and auxiliary elements of a step-down converter \src{LT3524.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex04}} \caption{Labels on non-manhattan elements \src{ex04.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Drive}} \caption{Synchronous machine driven by variable-speed drive and rectifier \src{Drive.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Csource}} \caption{Realization of a controlled source (illustrating stacked element labels) \src{Csource.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex16}} \caption{A rate $1/2$ binary convolutional coder and its state diagram \src{ex16.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex03}} \caption{Digital filter \src{ex03.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{MotorControl}} \caption{Motor control connections \src{MotorControl.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{OneLine}} \caption{Single line distribution diagram \src{OneLine.m4}.} } \begin{sidewaysfigure} %\rotatebox{90}{% \begin{landscape} %ignore% \bfig{ \centerline{\hspace*{2cm}\getpic{Heathkit}} \caption{The power supply of a Heathkit AR-15 (Now, {\em that} was a receiver!) with custom transformer and other elements, drawn on a grid (partially shown) to aid in placement \src{Heathkit.m4}.} } \end{sidewaysfigure} %}% \end{landscape} \begin{sidewaysfigure} %\rotatebox{90}{% \begin{landscape} %ignore% \bfig{ \centerline{\hspace*{2cm}\getpic{lcct}} \caption{A digital circuit of moderate size, redrawn from M.~P.~Maclenan and G.~M.~Burns, ``An Approach to Drawing Circuit Diagrams for Text Books,'' Tugboat (12)1, March 1991, pp.\ 66-69 \src{lcct.m4}.} } \end{sidewaysfigure} %}% \end{landscape} \ifpostscript\else\bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{UNO}} \caption{An Arduino UNO circuit adapted and redrawn \src{UNO.m4}.} }\fi \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Tubediags}} \caption{Electron-tube diagrams: a few bottom-view base diagrams, a generic triode test circuit, and a 25-watt audio amplifier adapted from F.\ Langford-Smith, {\it Radiotron Designer's Handbook,} fourth edition, Harrison, NJ: Radio Corporation of America, 1952 \src{Tubediags.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{sfg}} \caption{Signal-flow graphs \src{sfg.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Logic}} \caption{Basic logic gates \src{Logic.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex08}} \caption{General-purpose latch: a small logic circuit \src{ex08.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Decoder}} \caption{Decoder logic, constructed using the {\tt for\_} macro \src{Decoder.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex21}} \caption{Some flip-flops \src{ex21.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Multiplexer}} \caption{Multiplexer \src{Multiplexer.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Demultiplexer}} \caption{Demultiplexer \src{Demultiplexer.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ShiftR}} \caption{A 5-bit shift register drawn using a custom flip-flop \src{ShiftR.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Adder}} \caption{A full adder and a cascade of $n$-bit adders \src{Adder.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{CanLogic}} \caption{A way of automatically drawing two-layer logic diagrams \src{CanLogic.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Alogix}} \caption{The {\tt Autologix(}{\sl Boolean expression}; {\sl Boolean expression}... , {\sl options}{\tt )} macro automatically draws Boolean expressions in function notation. The function tree is drawn, then a row or column of inputs, then the connections. The default result is on the left, a custom element at the top, and a tree of gates only is shown on the right. \src{Alogix.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ABlogix}} \caption{The {\tt Autologix} macro can draw inputs on the left but the added drawing complexity may require hand tuning with second-argument options: {\tt L} puts the inputs on the left, {\tt R} reverses their order, {\tt V} scans the input arguments in reverse order, and {\tt offset=}{\sl value} displaces the array of inputs \src{ABlogix.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{XOR}} \caption{Realizations of the XOR function using {\tt Autologix} \src{XOR.m4}.} } \ifmpost\else\ifpostscript\else\bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{EEP}} \caption{A test of experimental single-line diagram macros \src{EEP.m4}.} }\fi\fi \ifpostscript\else\bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex05}} \caption{Use of {\tt darrow} and {\tt Darc} \src{ex05.m4}.} }\fi \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{GrayCode}} \caption{The power of looping and branching: Gray code 10-bit encoder disk pattern and a crossbar switch \src{GrayCode.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{control}} \caption{Control-system block diagrams \src{control.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Byte}} \caption{Elementary splines \src{Byte.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Sevensegment}} \caption{A customizable seven-segment display showing the numbered segments, a custom shape, and the numerals from 0 to 9 \src{Sevensegment.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Rotbox}} \caption{The macro {\tt rotbox(}{\sl wid,ht,type,}{\tt [r|t=}{\sl val}{\tt ])} draws a box in the current direction \src{Rotbox.m4}.} } \ifmpost\else\ifpostscript\else\bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Shadowed}} \caption{Embellishments: the top row illustrates {\tt shadowed(box|circle|ellipse|line,[at {\sl position}],{\sl keys})} and the second row {\tt ColoredV(box|circle|ellipse,({\sl r,g,b})|(({\sl colorseq})), {\sl attributes})} \src{Shadowed.m4}.} }\fi\fi \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Loglog}} \caption{A graph and crosshatching example drawn using the pic language \src{Loglog.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Geometry}} \caption{Some geometrical constructions \src{Geometry.m4}.} } \ifmpost\else\ifpostscript\else\bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Smithchart}} \caption{A Smith chart \src{Smithlchart.m4}.} }\fi\fi \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex09}} \caption{Illustrating the macro {\tt dimension\_(}{\sl linespec}, {\sl offset}, {\sl label}, {\tt D|H|W|}{\sl blank width}, {\sl tic offset},{\tt <-|->)}. A negative second argument implies an offset to the right of the {\sl linespec} direction. A {\sl label} starting with {\tt "} or {\tt sprintf} is copied literally. If {\sl label} is an {\tt s\_box(...)} then setting argument 4 to {\tt H}, {\tt W}, or {\tt D} tailors the blank width to the {\tt s\_box} height, width, or diagonal respectively; i.e.,\ {\tt W} is equivalent to {\tt s\_wd+textoffset*2}. The macro {\tt arcdimension\_} is similar but the first argument specifies the arc to be dimensioned and the second argument is the outward radial offset of the dimension arrow arc. \src{ex09.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Plate}} \caption{Dimensioning with tolerances \src{Plate.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{random}} \caption{Testing random number generation using dpic macro {\tt randn(}{\sl array name, n, mean, std dev}{\tt)} which calls pic built-in {\tt rand()} \src{random.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{exp}} \caption{Test of {\tt project} and other {\tt lib3D} macros, showing the projection of a solid onto the $y_1,z_1$ plane by sighting along the $x_1$ axis. \src{exp.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{graysurf}} \caption{Plotting surfaces using gray scales \src{graysurf.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{shapes}} \caption{Basic shapes \src{shapes.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{csc}} \caption{Conestoga Sailing Club (illustrating the filling of arbitrary shapes) and an antique clock face with shading and rotated text \src{csc.m4}.} } \ifpostscript% \bfig{% For psfrag \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{rose.eps} %\centerline{\getpic{rose}}%ignore% \caption{The left object, used for testing {\tt dpic,} is redrawn from%ignore% a detail of the set design for the musical {\it Dracula.} This %ignore% consumes much \LaTeX\ main memory but can be produced directly %ignore% as pdf using \hbox{\tt dpic -d}, as svg using \hbox{\tt dpic -v}, %ignore% or as postscript using \hbox{\tt dpic -r} since no text formatting%ignore% is required. The right object adjusts the size of dots to produce%ignore% a halftone effect %ignore% \src{rose.m4}.} } \else\ifmpost\else% \bfig{% Not psfrag \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{rose.pdf} %\centerline{\getpic{rose}} \caption{The left object, used for testing {\tt dipic,} is redrawn from a detail of the set design for the musical {\it Dracula.} This consumes much \LaTeX\ main memory but can be produced directly as pdf using \hbox{\tt dpic -d}, as svg using \hbox{\tt dpic -v}, or as postscript using \hbox{\tt dpic -r} since no text formatting is required. The right object adjusts the size of dots to produce a halftone effect \src{rose.m4}.} } \fi\fi \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{diamond}} \caption{Variations on M.~Goossens, S.~Rahtz, and F.~Mittelbach, {\em The \LaTeX\ Graphics Companion,} Addison-Wesley 1997, pp.\ 57-58 \src{diamond.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{worm}} \caption{An exercise in calculating RGB colours \src{worm.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Buttons}} \caption{Shading in color \src{Buttons.m4}.} } \ifmpost\else\ifpostscript\else\bfig{% Exclude mpost and psfrag \includegraphics[scale=0.7]{keyboard.pdf} %\centerline{\getpic{keyboard}} \caption{This diagram has been produced as svg with dpic -v (then converted to pdf for inclusion in examples.pdf) \src{keyboard.m4}.} }\fi\fi \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Dini}} \caption{Dini surface, an icosahedron, and a sphere with inscribed cylinder \src{Dini.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Sierpinski}} \caption{The Sierpinski triangle and a Cayley graph: tests of pic macro recursion \src{Sierpinski.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Escher}} \caption{Penrose stairs and an Escher-like object \src{Escher.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{recycle}} \caption{Modest repetition and partial fill \src{recycle.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{ex15}} \caption{Simple diagrams that are easily drawn by looping \src{ex15.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Crow}} \caption{Illustrating {\tt shadebox} and a custom crowfoot line termination \src{Crow.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Flow}} \caption{A flowchart sampler \src{Flow.m4}.} } \bfig{ \centerline{\getpic{Btree}} \caption{Trees \src{Btree.m4}.} } \ifmpost\else% Tex capacity exceeded at this point under metapost % Overlaying a figure with line graphics depends on the postprocessor: \ifpst% PSTricks \bfig{% \centerline{\getpic{Incleps}}% \caption{Overlaying a figure with line graphics \src{Incleps.m4}.}% } \else\ifpgf% PGF \bfig{% \centerline{\getpic{Incleps}}% %ignore% \caption{Overlaying a figure with line graphics %ignore% \src{Incleps.m4}.}% } \else\ifmpost% MetaPost \bfig{% \centerline{\boxdims{InclA}{%ignore% \includegraphics[width=3in]{../Incl.eps.gz}}% \hspace*{-3in}\includegraphics{Inclpdf.1}}% \caption{Overlaying a figure with line graphics %ignore% \src{Inclpdf.m4}.} } \else\ifpdfl% pdflatex \bfig{% \centerline{\boxdims{InclA}{%ignore% \includegraphics[width=3in]{../Incl}}% \hspace*{-3in}\includegraphics{Incleps}}% \caption{Overlaying a figure with line graphics %ignore% \src{Incleps.m4}.} } \else\ifpostscript\else% Postscript with psfrag (.eps.gz not allowed) \bfig{% \centerline{\boxdims{InclA}{%ignore% \includegraphics[width=3in]{Incl.eps}}% the background picture \hspace*{-3in}\includegraphics{Incleps.eps}}% \caption{Overlaying a figure with line graphics %ignore% \src{Incleps.m4}.}} \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi % ifmpost \end{document}