This is the development version of CBEA; for the stable release version, see CBEA.

Competitive Balances for Taxonomic Enrichment Analysis in R

Bioconductor version: Development (3.21)

This package implements CBEA, a method to perform set-based analysis for microbiome relative abundance data. This approach constructs a competitive balance between taxa within the set and remainder taxa per sample. More details can be found in the Nguyen et al. 2021+ manuscript. Additionally, this package adds support functions to help users perform taxa-set enrichment analyses using existing gene set analysis methods. In the future we hope to also provide curated knowledge driven taxa sets.

Author: Quang Nguyen [aut, cre] (ORCID: )

Maintainer: Quang Nguyen <quangpmnguyen at gmail.com>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("CBEA")):


To install this package, start R (version "4.5") and enter:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

# The following initializes usage of Bioc devel


For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.


Reference Manual PDF


biocViews DataImport, GeneSetEnrichment, Metagenomics, Microbiome, Software
Version 1.7.0
In Bioconductor since BioC 3.15 (R-4.2) (2.5 years)
License MIT + file LICENSE
Depends R (>= 4.2.0)
Imports BiocParallel, BiocSet, dplyr, lmom, fitdistrplus, magrittr, methods, mixtools, Rcpp (>= 1.0.7), stats, SummarizedExperiment, tibble, TreeSummarizedExperiment, tidyr, glue, generics, rlang, goftest
System Requirements
URL https://github.com/qpmnguyen/CBEA https://qpmnguyen.github.io/CBEA/
Bug Reports https://github.com/qpmnguyen/CBEA//issues
See More
Suggests phyloseq, BiocStyle, covr, knitr, RefManageR, rmarkdown, sessioninfo, testthat (>= 3.0.0), tidyverse, roxygen2, mia, purrr
Linking To Rcpp
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Follow Installation instructions to use this package in your R session.

Source Package
Windows Binary (x86_64)
macOS Binary (x86_64)
macOS Binary (arm64)
Source Repository git clone https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/CBEA
Source Repository (Developer Access) git clone [email protected]:packages/CBEA
Package Short Url https://bioconductor.org/packages/CBEA/
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