--- title: Using Bioconductor with High Throughput Assays output: BiocStyle::html_document date: 24 April 2018 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using Bioconductor with High Throughput Assays} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} author: - name: Bioconductor Maintainer affiliation: Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton St, Buffalo, NY 14263 email: maintainer@bioconductor.org abstract: > Bioconductor includes packages for analysis of diverse areas of high-throughput assays such as flow cytometry, quantitative real-time PCR, mass spectrometry, proteomics and other cell-based data. --- # Version Info ```{r, echo=FALSE, results="hide", warning=FALSE} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library('highthroughputassays') }) ```
**R version**: `r R.version.string`
**Bioconductor version**: `r BiocInstaller::biocVersion()`
**Package version**: `r packageVersion("highthroughputassays")`
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# Installation and Use Follow [installation instructions](/install/) to start using these packages. To install the `flowCore` package and all of its dependencies, evaluate the commands ```{r eval=FALSE} ## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("flowCore") ``` Package installation is required only once per R installation. View a full list of [available packages](/packages/release/bioc/). To use the `flowCore` package, evaluate the command ```{r eval=FALSE} library("flowCore") ``` This instruction is required once in each R session.[ Back to top ]
# Exploring Package Content Packages have extensive help pages, and include vignettes highlighting common use cases. The help pages and vignettes are available from within R. After loading a package, use syntax like help(package="flowCore") ?read.FCS to obtain an overview of help on the `flowCore` package, and the `read.FCS` function, and ```{r eval=FALSE} browseVignettes(package="flowCore") ``` to view vignettes (providing a more comprehensive introduction to package functionality) in the `flowCore` package. Use ```{r eval=FALSE} help.start() ``` to open a web page containing comprehensive help resources.[ Back to top ]
# Diverse Assays Resources The following provide a brief overview of packages useful for analysis of high-throughput assays. More comprehensive workflows can be found in documentation (available from [package descriptions](/packages/release/bioc/)) and in Bioconductor [publications](/help/publications/). ## Flow Cytometry ## These packages use standard FCS files, including infrastructure, utilities, visualization and semi-autogating methods for the analysis of flow cytometry data. [flowCore](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowCore.html), [flowViz](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowViz.html), [flowQ](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowQ.html), [flowStats](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowStats.html), [flowUtils](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowUtils.html), [flowFP](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowFP.html), [flowTrans](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowTrans.html), Algorithms for clustering flow cytometry data are found in these packages: [flowClust](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowClust.html), [flowMeans](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowMeans.html), [flowMerge](/packages/release/bioc/html/flowMerge.html), [SamSPECTRAL](/packages/release/bioc/html/SamSPECTRAL.html) A typical workflow using the packages `flowCore`, `flowViz`, `flowQ` and `flowStats` is described in detail in [flowWorkFlow.pdf](flowWorkFlow.pdf). The data files used in the workflow can be downloaded from [here](dataFiles.tar). ## Cell-based Assays ## These packages provide data structures and algorithms for cell-based high-throughput screens (HTS). [cellHTS2](/packages/release/bioc/html/cellHTS2.html), [RNAither](/packages/release/bioc/html/RNAither.html) This package supports the xCELLigence system which contains a series of real-time cell analyzer (RTCA). [RTCA](/packages/release/bioc/html/RTCA.html) ## High-throughput qPCR Assays ## These package provide algorithm for the analysis of cycle threshold (Ct) from quantitative real-time PCR data. [HTqPCR](/packages/release/bioc/html/HTqPCR.html), [ddCt](/packages/release/bioc/html/ddCt.html), [qpcrNorm](/packages/release/bioc/html/qpcrNorm.html) ## Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics data ## These packages provide framework for processing, visualization, and statistical analysis of mass spectral and proteomics data. [clippda](/packages/release/bioc/html/clippda.html), [MassArray](/packages/release/bioc/html/MassArray.html), [MassSpecWavelet](/packages/release/bioc/html/MassSpecWavelet.html), [PROcess](/packages/release/bioc/html/PROcess.html), [flagme](/packages/release/bioc/html/flagme.html), [xcms](/packages/release/bioc/html/xcms.html) ## Imaging Based Assays ## These packages provide infrastructure for image-based phenotyping and automation of other image-related tasks: [EBImage](/packages/release/bioc/html/EBImage.html), [imageHTS](/packages/release/bioc/html/imagHTS.html)[ Back to top ]
```{r} sessionInfo() ```[ Back to top ]