\name{hiv2raw} \docType{data} \alias{hiv2raw} \title{T cell line infections with HIV-1 LAI (BRU)} \description{The expression levels of approximately 4600 cellular RNA transcripts were assessed in CD4+ T cell lines at different times after infection with HIV-1BRU using DNA microarrays. There are two data sets, which are part of a dye-swap experiment with replicates, representing the Cy3 (green) absorption intensities for channel 1 (\code{hiv1raw}) and the Cy5 (red) absorption intensities for channel 2 (\code{hiv2raw}). } \usage{data(hiv2raw)} \format{This data represents a block within a microarray image with 12x32 spots. It is stored as a vector of length 450,000 representing a 450x1000 matrix (ordered by column) of intensities encoded for compact (16-bit TIFF) storage.} \details{ The intensities can be obtained from this data by first subtracting them from 65535, then squaring, then multiplying by a scale factor 4.71542407E-05. In other words, a number \code{x} in the \code{hiv1} data set corresponds to intensity \eqn{(256*256 - 1 - x)^2*.0000471542407}. } \source{ Dr. Angelique van't Wout, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington The data corresponds to the first block of a 12 block array image (\samp{001030\_08\_1.GEL}) in the first data set (\samp{2000095918 A}) in the first experiment (\samp{CEM LAI vs HI-LAI 24hr}) of the following data archive:\\ \url{http://expression.microslu.washington.edu/expression/vantwoutjvi2002.html} } \references{ van't Wout AB, Lehrman GK, Mikheeva SA, O'Keeffe GC, Katze MG, Bumgarner RE, Geiss GK and Mullins JI, Cellular gene expression upon human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection of CD4(+)-T-cell lines, \emph{J Virol.} 2003 Jan;77(2):1392-402. } \keyword{datasets}