Algorithms for Calculating Microarray Enrichment (ACME)
ACME (Algorithms for Calculating Microarray Enrichment) is
a set of tools for analysing tiling array ChIP/chip, DNAse
hypersensitivity, or other experiments that result in regions
of the genome showing "enrichment". It does not rely on a
specific array technology (although the array should be a
"tiling" array), is very general (can be applied in experiments
resulting in regions of enrichment), and is very insensitive to
array noise or normalization methods. It is also very fast and
can be applied on whole-genome tiling array experiments quite
easily with enough memory.
Author |
Sean Davis |
Maintainer |
Sean Davis |
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biocViews |
Depends |
R, methods |
Suggests |
Imports |
SystemRequirements |
License |
GPL version 2 or newer |
dependsOnMe |
suggestsMe |