Bioconductor Task View: Organism

Subview of


Packages in view

Package Maintainer Title
adme16cod Diego Diez ADME Rat 16-Assay Bioarray Annotation Data
ag Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Arabidopsis Genome Array Annotation Data (ag)
agahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for agahomology
agcdf Biocore Data Team agcdf
agprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ag
atgenomeatrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF atgenomeatrefseq for original CHIP arabidopsis
atgenomeatrefseqcdf Manhong Dai atgenomeatrefseqcdf
atgenomeatrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type atgenomeatrefseq
atgenomeattair Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF atgenomeattair for original CHIP arabidopsis
atgenomeattaircdf Manhong Dai atgenomeattaircdf
atgenomeattairprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type atgenomeattair
atgenomeattigr Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF atgenomeattigr for original CHIP arabidopsis
atgenomeattigrcdf Manhong Dai atgenomeattigrcdf
atgenomeattigrprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type atgenomeattigr
ath1121501 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Arabidopsis ATH1 Genome Array Annotation Data (ath1121501)
ath1121501cdf Biocore Data Team ath1121501cdf
ath1121501probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1121501
ath1atrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ath1atrefseq for original CHIP ath1121501
ath1atrefseqcdf Manhong Dai ath1atrefseqcdf
ath1atrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1atrefseq
ath1attair Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ath1attair for original CHIP ath1121501
ath1attaircdf Manhong Dai ath1attaircdf
ath1attairprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1attair
ath1attigr Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ath1attigr for original CHIP ath1121501
ath1attigrcdf Manhong Dai ath1attigrcdf
ath1attigrprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ath1attigr
athhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for athhomology
barley1cdf Biocore Data Team barley1cdf
barley1probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type barley1
bovinecdf Biocore Data Team bovinecdf
bovineprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type bovine
BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 H. Pages Caenorhabditis elegans genome (UCSC Release ce2)
BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.BDGP.Release5 H. Pages Drosophila melanogaster genome (BDGP Release 5)
BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm2 H. Pages Drosophila melanogaster genome (UCSC Release dm2)
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg16 H. Pages Homo sapiens genome (UCSC Release hg16)
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg17 H. Pages Homo sapiens genome (UCSC Release hg17)
BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18 H. Pages Homo sapiens genome (UCSC Release hg18)
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm7 H. Pages Mus musculus (mouse) genome (UCSC Release mm7)
BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer1 H. Pages Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) genome (UCSC Release sacCer1)
bsubtiliscdf Biocore Data Team bsubtiliscdf
bsubtilisprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type bsubtilis
btahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for btahomology
canine2cdf Biocore Data Team canine2cdf
canine2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type canine2
caninecdf Biocore Data Team caninecdf
canineprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type canine
celegans Biocore Data Team Affymetrix C. elegans Genome Array Annotation Data (celegans)
celeganscdf Biocore Data Team celeganscdf
celegansprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type celegans
celhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for celhomology
cfahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for cfahomology
cfcanine2cfense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfense for original CHIP canine2
cfcanine2cfensecdf Manhong Dai cfcanine2cfensecdf
cfcanine2cfenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfense
cfcanine2cfensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfensg for original CHIP canine2
cfcanine2cfensgcdf Manhong Dai cfcanine2cfensgcdf
cfcanine2cfensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfensg
cfcanine2cfenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfenst for original CHIP canine2
cfcanine2cfenstcdf Manhong Dai cfcanine2cfenstcdf
cfcanine2cfenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfenst
cfcanine2cfentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfentrezg for original CHIP canine2
cfcanine2cfentrezgcdf Manhong Dai cfcanine2cfentrezgcdf
cfcanine2cfentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfentrezg
cfcanine2cfrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfrefseq for original CHIP canine2
cfcanine2cfrefseqcdf Manhong Dai cfcanine2cfrefseqcdf
cfcanine2cfrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfrefseq
cfcanine2cfug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF cfcanine2cfug for original CHIP canine2
cfcanine2cfugcdf Manhong Dai cfcanine2cfugcdf
cfcanine2cfugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type cfcanine2cfug
chickencdf Biocore Data Team chickencdf
chickenprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type chicken
cinhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for cinhomology
cyp450cdf Biocore Data Team cyp450cdf
dmdrosophila2dmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmense for original CHIP drosophila2
dmdrosophila2dmensecdf Manhong Dai dmdrosophila2dmensecdf
dmdrosophila2dmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmense
dmdrosophila2dmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmensg for original CHIP drosophila2
dmdrosophila2dmensgcdf Manhong Dai dmdrosophila2dmensgcdf
dmdrosophila2dmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmensg
dmdrosophila2dmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmenst for original CHIP drosophila2
dmdrosophila2dmenstcdf Manhong Dai dmdrosophila2dmenstcdf
dmdrosophila2dmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmenst
dmdrosophila2dmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmrefseq for original CHIP drosophila2
dmdrosophila2dmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai dmdrosophila2dmrefseqcdf
dmdrosophila2dmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmrefseq
dmdrosophila2dmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmdrosophila2dmug for original CHIP drosophila2
dmdrosophila2dmugcdf Manhong Dai dmdrosophila2dmugcdf
dmdrosophila2dmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmdrosophila2dmug
dmehomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for dmehomology
dmgenome1dmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmense for original CHIP drosgenome1
dmgenome1dmensecdf Manhong Dai dmgenome1dmensecdf
dmgenome1dmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmense
dmgenome1dmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmensg for original CHIP drosgenome1
dmgenome1dmensgcdf Manhong Dai dmgenome1dmensgcdf
dmgenome1dmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmensg
dmgenome1dmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmenst for original CHIP drosgenome1
dmgenome1dmenstcdf Manhong Dai dmgenome1dmenstcdf
dmgenome1dmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmenst
dmgenome1dmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmrefseq for original CHIP drosgenome1
dmgenome1dmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai dmgenome1dmrefseqcdf
dmgenome1dmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmrefseq
dmgenome1dmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF dmgenome1dmug for original CHIP drosgenome1
dmgenome1dmugcdf Manhong Dai dmgenome1dmugcdf
dmgenome1dmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type dmgenome1dmug
drehomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for drehomology
drosgenome1 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Drosophila Genome Array Annotation Data (drosgenome1)
drosgenome1cdf Biocore Data Team drosgenome1cdf
drosgenome1probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drosgenome1
drosophila2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array Annotation Data (drosophila2)
drosophila2cdf Biocore Data Team drosophila2cdf
drosophila2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drosophila2
drzebrafishdrense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrense for original CHIP zebrafish
drzebrafishdrensecdf Manhong Dai drzebrafishdrensecdf
drzebrafishdrenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrense
drzebrafishdrensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrensg for original CHIP zebrafish
drzebrafishdrensgcdf Manhong Dai drzebrafishdrensgcdf
drzebrafishdrensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrensg
drzebrafishdrenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrenst for original CHIP zebrafish
drzebrafishdrenstcdf Manhong Dai drzebrafishdrenstcdf
drzebrafishdrenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrenst
drzebrafishdrentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrentrezg for original CHIP zebrafish
drzebrafishdrentrezgcdf Manhong Dai drzebrafishdrentrezgcdf
drzebrafishdrentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrentrezg
drzebrafishdrrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrrefseq for original CHIP zebrafish
drzebrafishdrrefseqcdf Manhong Dai drzebrafishdrrefseqcdf
drzebrafishdrrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrrefseq
drzebrafishdrug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF drzebrafishdrug for original CHIP zebrafish
drzebrafishdrugcdf Manhong Dai drzebrafishdrugcdf
drzebrafishdrugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type drzebrafishdrug
ecoli2cdf Biocore Data Team ecoli2cdf
ecoli2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ecoli2
ecoliasv2cdf Biocore Data Team ecoliasv2cdf
ecoliasv2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ecoliasv2
ecolicdf Biocore Data Team ecolicdf
ecoliprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ecoli
egohomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for egohomology
ggahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for ggahomology
ggchickenggense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggense for original CHIP chicken
ggchickenggensecdf Manhong Dai ggchickenggensecdf
ggchickenggenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggense
ggchickenggensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggensg for original CHIP chicken
ggchickenggensgcdf Manhong Dai ggchickenggensgcdf
ggchickenggensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggensg
ggchickenggenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggenst for original CHIP chicken
ggchickenggenstcdf Manhong Dai ggchickenggenstcdf
ggchickenggenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggenst
ggchickenggrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggrefseq for original CHIP chicken
ggchickenggrefseqcdf Manhong Dai ggchickenggrefseqcdf
ggchickenggrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggrefseq
ggchickenggug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF ggchickenggug for original CHIP chicken
ggchickenggugcdf Manhong Dai ggchickenggugcdf
ggchickenggugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ggchickenggug
gmahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for gmahomology
gp53cdf Biocore Data Team gp53cdf
h10kcod Diego Diez CodeLink UniSet Human I Bioarray (~10 000 human genes) Annotation Data
h20kcod Diego Diez CodeLink UniSet Human 20k I Bioarray Annotation Data
hcg110 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Cancer G110 Array Annotation Data (hcg110)
hcg110cdf Biocore Data Team hcg110cdf
hcg110probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hcg110
hgfocus Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome Focus Array Annotation Data (hgfocus)
hgfocuscdf Biocore Data Team hgfocuscdf
hgfocusprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgfocus
hgu133a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Set Annotation Data (hgu133a)
hgu133a2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Array Annotation Data (hgu133a2)
hgu133a2cdf Biocore Data Team hgu133a2cdf
hgu133a2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133a2
hgu133acdf Biocore Data Team hgu133acdf
hgu133aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133a
hgu133atagcdf Biocore Data Team hgu133atagcdf
hgu133atagprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133atag
hgu133b Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Set Annotation Data (hgu133b)
hgu133bcdf Biocore Data Team hgu133bcdf
hgu133bprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133b
hgu133plus2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array Annotation Data (hgu133plus2)
hgu133plus2cdf Biocore Data Team hgu133plus2cdf
hgu133plus2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu133plus2
hgu95a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95a)
hgu95acdf Biocore Data Team hgu95acdf
hgu95aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95a
hgu95av2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95av2)
hgu95av2cdf Biocore Data Team hgu95av2cdf
hgu95av2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95av2
hgu95b Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95b)
hgu95bcdf Biocore Data Team hgu95bcdf
hgu95bprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95b
hgu95c Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95c)
hgu95ccdf Biocore Data Team hgu95ccdf
hgu95cprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95c
hgu95d Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95d)
hgu95dcdf Biocore Data Team hgu95dcdf
hgu95dprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95d
hgu95e Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome U95 Set Annotation Data (hgu95e)
hgu95ecdf Biocore Data Team hgu95ecdf
hgu95eprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hgu95e
hguatlas13k Biocore Data Team Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Human 13K Annotation Data (hguatlas13k)
hgubeta7 Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for hgubeta7
hguDKFZ31 Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for hguDKFZ31
hgug4100a Biocore Data Team Agilent Human 1 cDNA Microarray Kit Annotation Data (hgug4100a)
hgug4101a Biocore Data Team Agilent Human 2 cDNA Microarry Kit Annotation Data (hgug4101a)
hgug4110b Biocore Data Team Agilent Human 1A (V2) Annotation Data (hgug4110b)
hgug4111a Biocore Data Team Agilent Human 1B Annotation Data (hgug4111a)
hgug4112a Biocore Data Team Agilent Human Genome, Whole Annotation Data (hgug4112a)
hguqiagenv3 Biocore Data Team Qiagen Qiagen V3.0 oligo set Annotation Data (hguqiagenv3)
hi16cod Diego Diez CodeLink Human Inflammation 16 Bioarray Annotation Data
hivprtplus2cdf Biocore Data Team hivprtplus2cdf
hs133ahsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsense for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133ahsensecdf Manhong Dai hs133ahsensecdf
hs133ahsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsense
hs133ahsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsensg for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133ahsensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133ahsensgcdf
hs133ahsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsensg
hs133ahsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsenst for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133ahsenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133ahsenstcdf
hs133ahsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsenst
hs133ahsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133ahsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133ahsentrezgcdf
hs133ahsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsentrezg
hs133ahsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133ahsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hs133ahsrefseqcdf
hs133ahsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsrefseq
hs133ahsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133ahsug for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133ahsugcdf Manhong Dai hs133ahsugcdf
hs133ahsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133ahsug
hs133aptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptense for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133aptensecdf Manhong Dai hs133aptensecdf
hs133aptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptense
hs133aptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptensg for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133aptensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133aptensgcdf
hs133aptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptensg
hs133aptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptenst for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133aptenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133aptenstcdf
hs133aptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptenst
hs133aptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133aptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a
hs133aptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133aptentrezgcdf
hs133aptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133aptentrezg
hs133av2hsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsense for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2hsensecdf Manhong Dai hs133av2hsensecdf
hs133av2hsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsense
hs133av2hsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsensg for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2hsensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2hsensgcdf
hs133av2hsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsensg
hs133av2hsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsenst for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2hsenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2hsenstcdf
hs133av2hsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsenst
hs133av2hsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2hsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2hsentrezgcdf
hs133av2hsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsentrezg
hs133av2hsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2hsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2hsrefseqcdf
hs133av2hsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsrefseq
hs133av2hsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2hsug for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2hsugcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2hsugcdf
hs133av2hsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2hsug
hs133av2ptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptense for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2ptensecdf Manhong Dai hs133av2ptensecdf
hs133av2ptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptense
hs133av2ptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptensg for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2ptensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2ptensgcdf
hs133av2ptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptensg
hs133av2ptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptenst for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2ptenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2ptenstcdf
hs133av2ptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptenst
hs133av2ptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133av2ptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133a2
hs133av2ptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133av2ptentrezgcdf
hs133av2ptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133av2ptentrezg
hs133bhsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsense for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bhsensecdf Manhong Dai hs133bhsensecdf
hs133bhsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsense
hs133bhsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsensg for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bhsensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133bhsensgcdf
hs133bhsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsensg
hs133bhsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsenst for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bhsenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133bhsenstcdf
hs133bhsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsenst
hs133bhsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bhsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133bhsentrezgcdf
hs133bhsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsentrezg
hs133bhsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bhsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hs133bhsrefseqcdf
hs133bhsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsrefseq
hs133bhsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bhsug for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bhsugcdf Manhong Dai hs133bhsugcdf
hs133bhsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bhsug
hs133bptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptense for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bptensecdf Manhong Dai hs133bptensecdf
hs133bptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptense
hs133bptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptensg for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bptensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133bptensgcdf
hs133bptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptensg
hs133bptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptenst for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bptenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133bptenstcdf
hs133bptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptenst
hs133bptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133bptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133b
hs133bptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133bptentrezgcdf
hs133bptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133bptentrezg
hs133phsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsense for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133phsensecdf Manhong Dai hs133phsensecdf
hs133phsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsense
hs133phsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsensg for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133phsensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133phsensgcdf
hs133phsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsensg
hs133phsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsenst for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133phsenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133phsenstcdf
hs133phsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsenst
hs133phsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsentrezg for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133phsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133phsentrezgcdf
hs133phsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsentrezg
hs133phsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsrefseq for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133phsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hs133phsrefseqcdf
hs133phsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsrefseq
hs133phsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133phsug for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133phsugcdf Manhong Dai hs133phsugcdf
hs133phsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133phsug
hs133pptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptense for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133pptensecdf Manhong Dai hs133pptensecdf
hs133pptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptense
hs133pptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptensg for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133pptensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133pptensgcdf
hs133pptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptensg
hs133pptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptenst for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133pptenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133pptenstcdf
hs133pptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptenst
hs133pptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133pptentrezg for original CHIP hgu133plus2
hs133pptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133pptentrezgcdf
hs133pptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133pptentrezg
hs133xhsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsense for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xhsensecdf Manhong Dai hs133xhsensecdf
hs133xhsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsense
hs133xhsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsensg for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xhsensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133xhsensgcdf
hs133xhsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsensg
hs133xhsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsenst for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xhsenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133xhsenstcdf
hs133xhsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsenst
hs133xhsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsentrezg for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xhsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133xhsentrezgcdf
hs133xhsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsentrezg
hs133xhsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsrefseq for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xhsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hs133xhsrefseqcdf
hs133xhsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsrefseq
hs133xhsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xhsug for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xhsugcdf Manhong Dai hs133xhsugcdf
hs133xhsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xhsug
hs133xptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptense for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xptensecdf Manhong Dai hs133xptensecdf
hs133xptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptense
hs133xptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptensg for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xptensgcdf Manhong Dai hs133xptensgcdf
hs133xptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptensg
hs133xptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptenst for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xptenstcdf Manhong Dai hs133xptenstcdf
hs133xptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptenst
hs133xptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs133xptentrezg for original CHIP u133x3p
hs133xptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs133xptentrezgcdf
hs133xptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs133xptentrezg
hs25kresogen AltraBio RNG_MRC Human Pangenomic 25k Set Annotation Data (hs25kresogen)
hs95av2hsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsense for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2hsensecdf Manhong Dai hs95av2hsensecdf
hs95av2hsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsense
hs95av2hsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsensg for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2hsensgcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2hsensgcdf
hs95av2hsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsensg
hs95av2hsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsenst for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2hsenstcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2hsenstcdf
hs95av2hsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsenst
hs95av2hsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsentrezg for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2hsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2hsentrezgcdf
hs95av2hsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsentrezg
hs95av2hsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsrefseq for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2hsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2hsrefseqcdf
hs95av2hsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsrefseq
hs95av2hsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2hsug for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2hsugcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2hsugcdf
hs95av2hsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2hsug
hs95av2ptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptense for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2ptensecdf Manhong Dai hs95av2ptensecdf
hs95av2ptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptense
hs95av2ptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptensg for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2ptensgcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2ptensgcdf
hs95av2ptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptensg
hs95av2ptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptenst for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2ptenstcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2ptenstcdf
hs95av2ptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptenst
hs95av2ptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hs95av2ptentrezg for original CHIP hgu95av2
hs95av2ptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hs95av2ptentrezgcdf
hs95av2ptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hs95av2ptentrezg
hsahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for hsahomology
hsex10stv2hsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2hsense for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2hsensecdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2hsensecdf
hsex10stv2hsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2hsense
hsex10stv2hsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2hsensg for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2hsensgcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2hsensgcdf
hsex10stv2hsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2hsensg
hsex10stv2hsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2hsenst for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2hsenstcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2hsenstcdf
hsex10stv2hsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2hsenst
hsex10stv2hsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2hsentrezg for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2hsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2hsentrezgcdf
hsex10stv2hsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2hsentrezg
hsex10stv2hsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2hsrefseq for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2hsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2hsrefseqcdf
hsex10stv2hsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2hsrefseq
hsex10stv2hsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2hsug for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2hsugcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2hsugcdf
hsex10stv2hsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2hsug
hsex10stv2ptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2ptense for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2ptensecdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2ptensecdf
hsex10stv2ptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2ptense
hsex10stv2ptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2ptensg for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2ptensgcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2ptensgcdf
hsex10stv2ptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2ptensg
hsex10stv2ptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2ptenst for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2ptenstcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2ptenstcdf
hsex10stv2ptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2ptenst
hsex10stv2ptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsex10stv2ptentrezg for original CHIP huex10stv2
hsex10stv2ptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hsex10stv2ptentrezgcdf
hsex10stv2ptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsex10stv2ptentrezg
hsfocushsense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsense for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocushsensecdf Manhong Dai hsfocushsensecdf
hsfocushsenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsense
hsfocushsensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsensg for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocushsensgcdf Manhong Dai hsfocushsensgcdf
hsfocushsensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsensg
hsfocushsenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsenst for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocushsenstcdf Manhong Dai hsfocushsenstcdf
hsfocushsenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsenst
hsfocushsentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsentrezg for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocushsentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hsfocushsentrezgcdf
hsfocushsentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsentrezg
hsfocushsrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsrefseq for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocushsrefseqcdf Manhong Dai hsfocushsrefseqcdf
hsfocushsrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsrefseq
hsfocushsug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocushsug for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocushsugcdf Manhong Dai hsfocushsugcdf
hsfocushsugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocushsug
hsfocusptense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptense for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocusptensecdf Manhong Dai hsfocusptensecdf
hsfocusptenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptense
hsfocusptensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptensg for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocusptensgcdf Manhong Dai hsfocusptensgcdf
hsfocusptensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptensg
hsfocusptenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptenst for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocusptenstcdf Manhong Dai hsfocusptenstcdf
hsfocusptenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptenst
hsfocusptentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF hsfocusptentrezg for original CHIP hgfocus
hsfocusptentrezgcdf Manhong Dai hsfocusptentrezgcdf
hsfocusptentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hsfocusptentrezg
hthgu133acdf Biocore Data Team hthgu133acdf
htratfocuscdf Biocore Data Team htratfocuscdf
hu35ksuba Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksuba)
hu35ksubacdf Biocore Data Team hu35ksubacdf
hu35ksubaprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksuba
hu35ksubb Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksubb)
hu35ksubbcdf Biocore Data Team hu35ksubbcdf
hu35ksubbprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubb
hu35ksubc Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksubc)
hu35ksubccdf Biocore Data Team hu35ksubccdf
hu35ksubcprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubc
hu35ksubd Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human Genome HU35K Set Annotation Data (hu35ksubd)
hu35ksubdcdf Biocore Data Team hu35ksubdcdf
hu35ksubdprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu35ksubd
hu6800 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix HuGeneFL Genome Array Annotation Data (hu6800)
hu6800cdf Biocore Data Team hu6800cdf
hu6800probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hu6800
hu6800subacdf Biocore Data Team hu6800subacdf
hu6800subbcdf Biocore Data Team hu6800subbcdf
hu6800subccdf Biocore Data Team hu6800subccdf
hu6800subdcdf Biocore Data Team hu6800subdcdf
humanCHRLOC Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for humanCHRLOC
humanLLMappings Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for humanLLMappings
hvuhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for hvuhomology
hwgcod Diego Diez CodeLink Human Whole Genome Bioarray (~55 000 human genes) Annotation Data
indac Biocore Data Team INDAC FlyChip_long_oligonucleotide_002 (FL002) Annotation Data (indac)
klahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for klahomology
m10kcod Diego Diez CodeLink UniSet Mouse I Bioarray (~10 000 mouse gene targets) Annotation Data
m20kcod Diego Diez CodeLink UniSet Mouse 20k I Bioarray Annotation Data
maizecdf Biocore Data Team maizecdf
maizeprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type maize
mgrhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for mgrhomology
mgu74a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74a)
mgu74acdf Biocore Data Team mgu74acdf
mgu74aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74a
mgu74av2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74av2)
mgu74av2cdf Biocore Data Team mgu74av2cdf
mgu74av2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74av2
mgu74b Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74b)
mgu74bcdf Biocore Data Team mgu74bcdf
mgu74bprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74b
mgu74bv2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74bv2)
mgu74bv2cdf Biocore Data Team mgu74bv2cdf
mgu74bv2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74bv2
mgu74c Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74c)
mgu74ccdf Biocore Data Team mgu74ccdf
mgu74cprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74c
mgu74cv2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74cv2)
mgu74cv2cdf Biocore Data Team mgu74cv2cdf
mgu74cv2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74cv2
mguatlas5k Biocore Data Team Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Mouse 5K Annotation Data (mguatlas5k)
mgug4104a Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for mgug4104a
mgug4120a Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for mgug4120a
mgug4121a Biocore Data Team Agilent Mouse Annotation Data (mgug4121a)
mgug4122a Biocore Data Team Agilent Mouse Genome, Whole Annotation Data (mgug4122a)
mi16cod Diego Diez CodeLink Mouse Inflammation 16 Bioarray Annotation Data
mm11ksubammense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammense for original CHIP mu11kaa
mm11ksubammensecdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubammensecdf
mm11ksubammenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammense
mm11ksubammensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammensg for original CHIP mu11kaa
mm11ksubammensgcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubammensgcdf
mm11ksubammensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammensg
mm11ksubammenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammenst for original CHIP mu11kaa
mm11ksubammenstcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubammenstcdf
mm11ksubammenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammenst
mm11ksubammentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammentrezg for original CHIP mu11kaa
mm11ksubammentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubammentrezgcdf
mm11ksubammentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammentrezg
mm11ksubammrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammrefseq for original CHIP mu11kaa
mm11ksubammrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubammrefseqcdf
mm11ksubammrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammrefseq
mm11ksubammug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubammug for original CHIP mu11kaa
mm11ksubammugcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubammugcdf
mm11ksubammugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubammug
mm11ksubbmmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmense for original CHIP mu11kba
mm11ksubbmmensecdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubbmmensecdf
mm11ksubbmmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmense
mm11ksubbmmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmensg for original CHIP mu11kba
mm11ksubbmmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubbmmensgcdf
mm11ksubbmmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmensg
mm11ksubbmmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmenst for original CHIP mu11kba
mm11ksubbmmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubbmmenstcdf
mm11ksubbmmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmenst
mm11ksubbmmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmentrezg for original CHIP mu11kba
mm11ksubbmmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubbmmentrezgcdf
mm11ksubbmmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmentrezg
mm11ksubbmmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmrefseq for original CHIP mu11kba
mm11ksubbmmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubbmmrefseqcdf
mm11ksubbmmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmrefseq
mm11ksubbmmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm11ksubbmmug for original CHIP mu11kba
mm11ksubbmmugcdf Manhong Dai mm11ksubbmmugcdf
mm11ksubbmmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm11ksubbmmug
mm24kresogen AltraBio RNG_MRC Mouse Pangenomic 24k Set Annotation Data (mm24kresogen)
mm430ammense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammense for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammensecdf Manhong Dai mm430ammensecdf
mm430ammenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammense
mm430ammensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammensg for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammensgcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammensgcdf
mm430ammensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammensg
mm430ammenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammenst for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammenstcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammenstcdf
mm430ammenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammenst
mm430ammentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammentrezg for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammentrezgcdf
mm430ammentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammentrezg
mm430ammrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammrefseq for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammrefseqcdf
mm430ammrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammrefseq
mm430ammug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammug for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammugcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammugcdf
mm430ammugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammug
mm430bmmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmense for original CHIP moe430b
mm430bmmensecdf Manhong Dai mm430bmmensecdf
mm430bmmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmense
mm430bmmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmensg for original CHIP moe430b
mm430bmmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm430bmmensgcdf
mm430bmmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmensg
mm430bmmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmenst for original CHIP moe430b
mm430bmmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm430bmmenstcdf
mm430bmmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmenst
mm430bmmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmentrezg for original CHIP moe430b
mm430bmmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm430bmmentrezgcdf
mm430bmmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmentrezg
mm430bmmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmrefseq for original CHIP moe430b
mm430bmmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm430bmmrefseqcdf
mm430bmmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmrefseq
mm430bmmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430bmmug for original CHIP moe430b
mm430bmmugcdf Manhong Dai mm430bmmugcdf
mm430bmmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430bmmug
mm430mmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmense for original CHIP mouse4302
mm430mmensecdf Manhong Dai mm430mmensecdf
mm430mmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmense
mm430mmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmensg for original CHIP mouse4302
mm430mmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm430mmensgcdf
mm430mmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmensg
mm430mmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmenst for original CHIP mouse4302
mm430mmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm430mmenstcdf
mm430mmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmenst
mm430mmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmentrezg for original CHIP mouse4302
mm430mmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm430mmentrezgcdf
mm430mmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmentrezg
mm430mmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmrefseq for original CHIP mouse4302
mm430mmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm430mmrefseqcdf
mm430mmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmrefseq
mm430mmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430mmug for original CHIP mouse4302
mm430mmugcdf Manhong Dai mm430mmugcdf
mm430mmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430mmug
mm74av1mmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmense for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmensecdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmensecdf
mm74av1mmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmense
mm74av1mmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmensg for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmensgcdf
mm74av1mmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmensg
mm74av1mmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmenst for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmenstcdf
mm74av1mmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmenst
mm74av1mmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmentrezgcdf
mm74av1mmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmentrezg
mm74av1mmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmrefseqcdf
mm74av1mmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmrefseq
mm74av1mmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmug for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmugcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmugcdf
mm74av1mmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmug
mm74av2mmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmense for original CHIP mgu74av2
mm74av2mmensecdf Manhong Dai mm74av2mmensecdf
mm74av2mmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmense
mm74av2mmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74av2
mm74av2mmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm74av2mmensgcdf
mm74av2mmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmensg
mm74av2mmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74av2
mm74av2mmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm74av2mmenstcdf
mm74av2mmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmenst
mm74av2mmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74av2
mm74av2mmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm74av2mmentrezgcdf
mm74av2mmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmentrezg
mm74av2mmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74av2
mm74av2mmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm74av2mmrefseqcdf
mm74av2mmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmrefseq
mm74av2mmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av2mmug for original CHIP mgu74av2
mm74av2mmugcdf Manhong Dai mm74av2mmugcdf
mm74av2mmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av2mmug
mm74bv2mmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmense for original CHIP mgu74bv2
mm74bv2mmensecdf Manhong Dai mm74bv2mmensecdf
mm74bv2mmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmense
mm74bv2mmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74bv2
mm74bv2mmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm74bv2mmensgcdf
mm74bv2mmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmensg
mm74bv2mmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74bv2
mm74bv2mmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm74bv2mmenstcdf
mm74bv2mmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmenst
mm74bv2mmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74bv2
mm74bv2mmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm74bv2mmentrezgcdf
mm74bv2mmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmentrezg
mm74bv2mmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74bv2
mm74bv2mmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm74bv2mmrefseqcdf
mm74bv2mmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmrefseq
mm74bv2mmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74bv2mmug for original CHIP mgu74bv2
mm74bv2mmugcdf Manhong Dai mm74bv2mmugcdf
mm74bv2mmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74bv2mmug
mm74cv2mmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmense for original CHIP mgu74cv2
mm74cv2mmensecdf Manhong Dai mm74cv2mmensecdf
mm74cv2mmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmense
mm74cv2mmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmensg for original CHIP mgu74cv2
mm74cv2mmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm74cv2mmensgcdf
mm74cv2mmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmensg
mm74cv2mmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmenst for original CHIP mgu74cv2
mm74cv2mmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm74cv2mmenstcdf
mm74cv2mmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmenst
mm74cv2mmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74cv2
mm74cv2mmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm74cv2mmentrezgcdf
mm74cv2mmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmentrezg
mm74cv2mmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74cv2
mm74cv2mmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm74cv2mmrefseqcdf
mm74cv2mmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmrefseq
mm74cv2mmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74cv2mmug for original CHIP mgu74cv2
mm74cv2mmugcdf Manhong Dai mm74cv2mmugcdf
mm74cv2mmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74cv2mmug
mmex10stv1mmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mmex10stv1mmense for original CHIP moex10stv1
mmex10stv1mmensecdf Manhong Dai mmex10stv1mmensecdf
mmex10stv1mmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmense
mmex10stv1mmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mmex10stv1mmensg for original CHIP moex10stv1
mmex10stv1mmensgcdf Manhong Dai mmex10stv1mmensgcdf
mmex10stv1mmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmensg
mmex10stv1mmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mmex10stv1mmenst for original CHIP moex10stv1
mmex10stv1mmenstcdf Manhong Dai mmex10stv1mmenstcdf
mmex10stv1mmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmenst
mmex10stv1mmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mmex10stv1mmentrezg for original CHIP moex10stv1
mmex10stv1mmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mmex10stv1mmentrezgcdf
mmex10stv1mmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmentrezg
mmex10stv1mmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mmex10stv1mmrefseq for original CHIP moex10stv1
mmex10stv1mmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mmex10stv1mmrefseqcdf
mmex10stv1mmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmrefseq
mmex10stv1mmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mmex10stv1mmug for original CHIP moex10stv1
mmex10stv1mmugcdf Manhong Dai mmex10stv1mmugcdf
mmex10stv1mmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mmex10stv1mmug
mmuhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for mmuhomology
moe430a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 Annotation Data (moe430a)
moe430acdf Biocore Data Team moe430acdf
moe430aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430a
moe430b Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 Annotation Data (moe430b)
moe430bcdf Biocore Data Team moe430bcdf
moe430bprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430b
mouse4302 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array Annotation Data (mouse4302)
mouse4302cdf Biocore Data Team mouse4302cdf
mouse4302probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse4302
mouse430a2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 Array Annotation Data (mouse430a2)
mouse430a2cdf Biocore Data Team mouse430a2cdf
mouse430a2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse430a2
mouseCHRLOC Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for mouseCHRLOC
mouseLLMappings Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for mouseLLMappings
mu11ksuba Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine 11K Set Annotation Data (mu11ksuba)
mu11ksubacdf Biocore Data Team mu11ksubacdf
mu11ksubaprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksuba
mu11ksubb Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine 11K Set Annotation Data (mu11ksubb)
mu11ksubbcdf Biocore Data Team mu11ksubbcdf
mu11ksubbprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mu11ksubb
mu19ksuba Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksuba)
mu19ksubacdf Biocore Data Team mu19ksubacdf
mu19ksubb Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksubb)
mu19ksubbcdf Biocore Data Team mu19ksubbcdf
mu19ksubc Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome 19k Set Annotation Data (mu19ksubc)
mu19ksubccdf Biocore Data Team mu19ksubccdf
mu6500subacdf Biocore Data Team mu6500subacdf
mu6500subbcdf Biocore Data Team mu6500subbcdf
mu6500subccdf Biocore Data Team mu6500subccdf
mu6500subdcdf Biocore Data Team mu6500subdcdf
mwgcod Diego Diez CodeLink Mouse Whole Genome Bioarray (~36 000 mouse gene targets) Annotation Data
ncrhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for ncrhomology
omyhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for omyhomology
osahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for osahomology
osriceosrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF osriceosrefseq for original CHIP rice
osriceosrefseqcdf Manhong Dai osriceosrefseqcdf
osriceosrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type osriceosrefseq
osriceostigr Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF osriceostigr for original CHIP rice
osriceostigrcdf Manhong Dai osriceostigrcdf
osriceostigrprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type osriceostigr
paeg1acdf Biocore Data Team paeg1acdf
paeg1aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type paeg1a
pfahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for pfahomology
plasmodiumanophelescdf Biocore Data Team plasmodiumanophelescdf
plasmodiumanophelesprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type plasmodiumanopheles
porcinecdf Biocore Data Team porcinecdf
porcineprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type porcine
ptrhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for ptrhomology
r10kcod Diego Diez CodeLink UniSet Rat I Bioarray (~10 000 rat gene targets) Annotation Data
rae230a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Expression Set 230 Annotation Data (rae230a)
rae230acdf Biocore Data Team rae230acdf
rae230aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rae230a
rae230b Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Expression Set 230 Annotation Data (rae230b)
rae230bcdf Biocore Data Team rae230bcdf
rae230bprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rae230b
rat2302 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array Annotation Data (rat2302)
rat2302cdf Biocore Data Team rat2302cdf
rat2302probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rat2302
ratCHRLOC Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for ratCHRLOC
ratLLMappings Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for ratLLMappings
rgu34a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set Annotation Data (rgu34a)
rgu34acdf Biocore Data Team rgu34acdf
rgu34aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34a
rgu34b Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set Annotation Data (rgu34b)
rgu34bcdf Biocore Data Team rgu34bcdf
rgu34bprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34b
rgu34c Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Genome U34 Set Annotation Data (rgu34c)
rgu34ccdf Biocore Data Team rgu34ccdf
rgu34cprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rgu34c
rguatlas4k Biocore Data Team Clontech BD Atlas Long Oligos Rat 4K Annotation Data (rguatlas4k)
rgug4105a Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for rgug4105a
rgug4130a Biocore Data Team Agilent Rat Annotation Data (rgug4130a)
ri16cod Diego Diez CodeLink Rat Inflammation 16 Bioarray Annotation Data
rn230arnense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnense for original CHIP rae230a
rn230arnensecdf Manhong Dai rn230arnensecdf
rn230arnenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnense
rn230arnensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnensg for original CHIP rae230a
rn230arnensgcdf Manhong Dai rn230arnensgcdf
rn230arnensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnensg
rn230arnenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnenst for original CHIP rae230a
rn230arnenstcdf Manhong Dai rn230arnenstcdf
rn230arnenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnenst
rn230arnentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnentrezg for original CHIP rae230a
rn230arnentrezgcdf Manhong Dai rn230arnentrezgcdf
rn230arnentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnentrezg
rn230arnrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnrefseq for original CHIP rae230a
rn230arnrefseqcdf Manhong Dai rn230arnrefseqcdf
rn230arnrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnrefseq
rn230arnug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230arnug for original CHIP rae230a
rn230arnugcdf Manhong Dai rn230arnugcdf
rn230arnugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230arnug
rn230brnense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnense for original CHIP rae230b
rn230brnensecdf Manhong Dai rn230brnensecdf
rn230brnenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnense
rn230brnensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnensg for original CHIP rae230b
rn230brnensgcdf Manhong Dai rn230brnensgcdf
rn230brnensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnensg
rn230brnenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnenst for original CHIP rae230b
rn230brnenstcdf Manhong Dai rn230brnenstcdf
rn230brnenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnenst
rn230brnentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnentrezg for original CHIP rae230b
rn230brnentrezgcdf Manhong Dai rn230brnentrezgcdf
rn230brnentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnentrezg
rn230brnrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnrefseq for original CHIP rae230b
rn230brnrefseqcdf Manhong Dai rn230brnrefseqcdf
rn230brnrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnrefseq
rn230brnug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230brnug for original CHIP rae230b
rn230brnugcdf Manhong Dai rn230brnugcdf
rn230brnugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230brnug
rn230rnense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnense for original CHIP rat2302
rn230rnensecdf Manhong Dai rn230rnensecdf
rn230rnenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnense
rn230rnensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnensg for original CHIP rat2302
rn230rnensgcdf Manhong Dai rn230rnensgcdf
rn230rnensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnensg
rn230rnenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnenst for original CHIP rat2302
rn230rnenstcdf Manhong Dai rn230rnenstcdf
rn230rnenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnenst
rn230rnentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnentrezg for original CHIP rat2302
rn230rnentrezgcdf Manhong Dai rn230rnentrezgcdf
rn230rnentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnentrezg
rn230rnrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnrefseq for original CHIP rat2302
rn230rnrefseqcdf Manhong Dai rn230rnrefseqcdf
rn230rnrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnrefseq
rn230rnug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn230rnug for original CHIP rat2302
rn230rnugcdf Manhong Dai rn230rnugcdf
rn230rnugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn230rnug
rn34arnense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnense for original CHIP rgu34a
rn34arnensecdf Manhong Dai rn34arnensecdf
rn34arnenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnense
rn34arnensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnensg for original CHIP rgu34a
rn34arnensgcdf Manhong Dai rn34arnensgcdf
rn34arnensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnensg
rn34arnenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnenst for original CHIP rgu34a
rn34arnenstcdf Manhong Dai rn34arnenstcdf
rn34arnenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnenst
rn34arnentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnentrezg for original CHIP rgu34a
rn34arnentrezgcdf Manhong Dai rn34arnentrezgcdf
rn34arnentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnentrezg
rn34arnrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnrefseq for original CHIP rgu34a
rn34arnrefseqcdf Manhong Dai rn34arnrefseqcdf
rn34arnrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnrefseq
rn34arnug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rn34arnug for original CHIP rgu34a
rn34arnugcdf Manhong Dai rn34arnugcdf
rn34arnugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rn34arnug
rnex10stv1rnense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rnex10stv1rnense for original CHIP raex10stv1
rnex10stv1rnensecdf Manhong Dai rnex10stv1rnensecdf
rnex10stv1rnenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnex10stv1rnense
rnex10stv1rnensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rnex10stv1rnensg for original CHIP raex10stv1
rnex10stv1rnensgcdf Manhong Dai rnex10stv1rnensgcdf
rnex10stv1rnensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnex10stv1rnensg
rnex10stv1rnenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rnex10stv1rnenst for original CHIP raex10stv1
rnex10stv1rnenstcdf Manhong Dai rnex10stv1rnenstcdf
rnex10stv1rnenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnex10stv1rnenst
rnex10stv1rnentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rnex10stv1rnentrezg for original CHIP raex10stv1
rnex10stv1rnentrezgcdf Manhong Dai rnex10stv1rnentrezgcdf
rnex10stv1rnentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnex10stv1rnentrezg
rnex10stv1rnrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rnex10stv1rnrefseq for original CHIP raex10stv1
rnex10stv1rnrefseqcdf Manhong Dai rnex10stv1rnrefseqcdf
rnex10stv1rnrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnex10stv1rnrefseq
rnex10stv1rnug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF rnex10stv1rnug for original CHIP raex10stv1
rnex10stv1rnugcdf Manhong Dai rnex10stv1rnugcdf
rnex10stv1rnugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnex10stv1rnug
rnohomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for rnohomology
rnu34 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Neurobiology U34 Array Annotation Data (rnu34)
rnu34cdf Biocore Data Team rnu34cdf
rnu34probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rnu34
rtu34 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Rat Toxicology U34 Array Annotation Data (rtu34)
rtu34cdf Biocore Data Team rtu34cdf
rtu34probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rtu34
rwgcod Diego Diez CodeLink Rat Whole Genome Bioarray (~34 000 rat gene targets) Annotation Data
saureuscdf Biocore Data Team saureuscdf
saureusprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type saureus
scehomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for scehomology
spohomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for spohomology
sschomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for sschomology
sugarcanecdf Biocore Data Team sugarcanecdf
sugarcaneprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type sugarcane
taehomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for taehomology
test1cdf Biocore Data Team test1cdf
test2cdf Biocore Data Team test2cdf
test3cdf Biocore Data Team test3cdf
test3probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type test3
u133aaofav2cdf Biocore Data Team u133aaofav2cdf
u133x3p Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Human X3P Array Annotation Data (u133x3p)
u133x3pcdf Biocore Data Team u133x3pcdf
u133x3pprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type u133x3p
vitisviniferacdf Biocore Data Team vitisviniferacdf
vitisviniferaprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type vitisvinifera
vvgrapevvtigr Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF vvgrapevvtigr for original CHIP vitisvinifera
vvgrapevvtigrcdf Manhong Dai vvgrapevvtigrcdf
vvgrapevvtigrprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type vvgrapevvtigr
vvihomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for vvihomology
xenopuslaevis Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Xenopus laevis Genome Array Annotation Data (xenopuslaevis)
xlahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for xlahomology
xtrhomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for xtrhomology
ye6100subacdf Biocore Data Team ye6100subacdf
ye6100subbcdf Biocore Data Team ye6100subbcdf
ye6100subccdf Biocore Data Team ye6100subccdf
ye6100subdcdf Biocore Data Team ye6100subdcdf
YEAST Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for YEAST
yeast2 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Yeast Genome 2.0 Array Annotation Data (yeast2)
yeast2cdf Biocore Data Team yeast2cdf
yeast2probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type yeast2
ygs98 Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Yeast Genome S98 Array Annotation Data (ygs98)
ygs98cdf Biocore Data Team ygs98cdf
ygs98probe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type ygs98
zebrafish Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Zebrafish Genome Array Annotation Data (zebrafish)
zebrafishcdf Biocore Data Team zebrafishcdf
zebrafishprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type zebrafish
zmahomology Biocore Data Team A data package containing annotation data for zmahomology