--- title: "02: Practical: R / Bioconductor and Reproducible Research" author: - name: Martin Morgan affiliation: Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{02: Practical: R / Bioconductor and Reproducible Research} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document: number_sections: yes toc: true --- ```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'} knitr::opts_chunk$set( eval=as.logical(Sys.getenv("KNITR_EVAL", "TRUE")), cache=as.logical(Sys.getenv("KNITR_CACHE", "TRUE")) ) options(width = 75) ``` # Start your markdown document Create a new `.Rmd` file - Select the RStudio menu item "File" -> "New File" -> "R Markdown..." - Fill in the Title and Author fields, and select an "HTML" document Process the `.Rmd` file - Click on the "Knit" icon - At prompt, save file with name "Notes.Rmd" somewhere on your computer. Anatomy - 'YAML' header with information about the document ``` --- title: "Notes" author: "Martin Morgan" date: "6/30/2019" output: html_document --- ``` - Plain text 'markdown' - `#`: top level heading; `##` second level heading, ... - Plain text paragraphs, separated by empty lines - _R_ code chunks More help on markdown under "Help" -> "Markdown Quick Reference **Exercise** To get going, leave the YAML header, but remove everything else. # Working with data ## `library()`, `install.packages()`, and `BiocManager::install()` We'll use the following libraries; attach them to your current _R_ session. ```{r, message = FALSE} library(readr) library(dplyr) ``` If _R_ responds ``` Error in library(readr) : there is no package called 'readr' ``` or similar, it means that the library needs to be installed. The '_Bioconductor_' way of library installation (able to install _CRAN_ and _Bioconductor_ packages) is to use the [BiocManager][] package. Make sure you have the `BiocManager` package installed ```{r, eval = FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") ``` then install the packages you need ```{r, eval = FALSE} BiocManager::install(c("readr", "dplyr")) ``` ## `read_csv()` Find the data file "ALL-sample-sheet.csv" ```{r, eval = FALSE} pdata_file <- file.choose() ``` ```{r, echo = FALSE} pdata_file <- system.file(package="BiocIntro", "extdata", "ALL-sample-sheet.csv") ``` then input the data using `read_csv()` ```{r} pdata <- read_csv(pdata_file) ``` If _R_ responds ``` Error in read_csv() : could not find function "read_csv" ``` this means that the `readr` package has not been attached to the _R_ session; remedy with `library(readr)`. Take a peak at the data to see what we have ```{r} pdata ``` This represents 22 variables collected on 128 samples from a classic microarray experiment. Some of the column names are cryptic; we'll only focus on a few. # Update your markdown document Add a top-level section title (start a line with `#`) like ``` # Day 1: R / Bioconductor practical ``` Add notes about the key functions you've learned about so far, using a bulleted list like ``` Key functions: - `file.choose()`: interactively choose a file location. - `library(readr)`: attach the readr package to the current _R_ session - `read_csv()` ``` Press the 'Knit' button, debugging any errors that occur. Create a code chunk containing instructions for data input, using a 'fence' followed by `{r}`
pdata_file = "path/to/file"
pdata <- readr(pdata_file)
Press the 'Knit' button. Note that the code is actually evaluated, and when correct will import the data from the `pdata_file`. # Working with data (continued): exploration ## `arrange()` Use `arrange()` to order the rows from youngest to oldest individual ```{r} pdata %>% arrange(age) ``` If _R_ responds with ``` > pdata %>% arrange(age) Error in pdata %>% summarize(n = n()) : could not find function "%>%" ``` then we need to attach the `dplyr` package, `library(dplyr)`. Arrange from oldest to youngest with ```{r} pdata %>% arrange(desc(age)) ``` **Exercise** How would you use `arrange()` to order the samples from youngest to oldest, with individuals of equal `age` ordered by `sex`? ## `summarize()` and `group_by()` Let's ask the average age of males and females. First, use `summarize()` and the `n()` function to create a tibble with the number of samples of each sex. ```{r} pdata %>% summarize(n = n()) ``` We now know how many samples there are. Use `group_by()` to tell `dplyr` to separately consider each sex ```{r, eval = FALSE} pdata %>% group_by(sex) ``` and then perform the summary operation... ```{r} pdata %>% group_by(sex) %>% summarize(n = n()) ``` **Exercise** What is the `NA` sex? Use `filter()` to identify the 3 records with `is.na(sex)`. **Exercise** Use `arrange()` and `desc()` to arrange the summary table from most to least frequent. **Exercise** Add another column `ave_age` to `summarize()`, using `mean()` to calculate the average age by sex. You'll need to use the `na.rm = TRUE` argument to calculate an average age in the face of missing values. ## `t.test()`, an untidy function We'd like to compare the average age of males and females in the study using `t.test()`. `t.test()` takes a formula `age ~ sex` (`age` as a function of `sex`) describing the comparison that we'd like to make. It also takes an argument `data=` that contains the data we'd like to perform the t-test on. Unlike functions we've encountered so far where the data to be processed is the first argument, `t.test()` expects the data as the second argument. To adapt `t.test()` for use, we need to explicitly indicate that the data should be the second argument. One way of doing this is to use the special symbol `.` to represent the location of the incoming data, invoking `t.test(age ~ sex, data = .)`: ```{r, eval = FALSE} pdata %>% t.test(age ~ sex, data = .) ``` **Exercise** Perform a t-test to ask whether there is evidence of differences in ages between the sexes. How can we change the default value of `var.equal` to `TRUE`? Is this appropriate? **Exercise (advanced)** The return value of `t.test()` doesn't fit well with `tidy` data analysis, because it is a complicated object that is not represented as a `tibble` and hence cannot be computed upon using the common tidy verbs. Write a simple function `t_test()` that is more tidy-friendly, accepting `data = ` as it's first argument, using `t.test()` internally to compute results, and returning a `tibble` containing results formatted for subsequent computation. Explore the [broom][]`::tidy()` function as a way to transform many base _R_ objects into tidy-friendly data structures. ## `filter()` and `%in%` Take a look at the `mol.biol` column, using `group_by()` and the convenience function `count()` ```{r} pdata %>% group_by(mol.biol) %>% count() ``` These represent chromosomal events such as the presence of the BCR/ABL fusion gene, or NEG (standard) chromosomes. **Exercise** Use `filter()` to create a new data set `bcrabl` that contains all 22 columns but only the BCR/ABL and NEG rows. It will be helpful to use the `%in%` operator, which returns TRUE when an object in the set on the left-hand side is present in the object on the right-hand side. ```{r} c("a", "b", "c", "b", "a") %in% c("a", "c") ``` **Exercise** Use `t.test()` to ask whether there are age differences between these molecular biologies. # Update your markdown document Continue your markdown document by summarizing in a bulleted list the key functions covered in this section. Include examples of code inside fences, and make sure the code is evaluated when the "Knit" button is pressed. # Working with data (continued): visualization ## `ggplot()` Load the `ggplot2` library. ```{r, message = FALSE} library(ggplot2) ``` Plots are created by providing a source for the data to be displayed, as well as 'aesthetics' `aes()` describing the data to be used. ```{r} ggplot(pdata, aes(x = sex, y = age)) ``` ## `geom_boxplot()` This is enough to determine the overall dimensions of the display, but we still need to add 'geometric' `geom_*()` objects that display the relationships of interest. Add a boxplot geom for an initial visualization. ```{r} ggplot(pdata, aes(x = sex, y = age)) + geom_boxplot() ``` ## `geom_jitter()` Add a second layer that superimposes the actual data using `geom_jitter()` invoked so that the `sex` value is displaced a random amount about its horizontal location (`width = .1`) while the age is plotted at its actual vertical location (`height = 0`). ```{r} ggplot(pdata, aes(x = sex, y = age)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(width = .1, height = 0) ``` **Exercise** How might `pdata` be filtered so that the samples with unknown age are excluded, and hence there are only two categories on the x-axis? **Exercise** Are there other displays that convey both the summary of results and the actual data? # Update your markdown document # Working with data (continued): _Bioconductor_ objects Create a short character vector of DNA sequences. ```{r} sequences <- c("AAATCGA", "ATACAACAT", "TTGCCA") ``` In base _R_ we can ask about properties of these sequences and perform some operations ```{r} sequences length(sequences) nchar(sequences) sequences[c(1, 3)] sample(sequences) ``` Base _R_ has no notion of operations relevant to DNA sequences, e.g., ```{r, eval=FALSE} reverseComplement(sequences) ``` fails. Likewise, we can name a variable anything, the semantic meaning of the variable name is not enforced by _R_ ```{r} my_sequence <- "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players" ``` ## `library(Biostrings)` Load the [Biostrings][] library ```{r, message = FALSE} library(Biostrings) ``` If _R_ responds with ``` > library(Biostrings) Error in library(Biostrings) : there is no package called 'Biostrings' ``` then it is necessary to install the package first (make sure you've spelt the package name correctly, including capitalization!) ```{r, eval = FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("Biostrings") library(Biostrings) ``` ## `DNAStringSet()` Create a `DNAStringSet` from our character vector ```{r} dna <- DNAStringSet(sequences) dna ``` **Exercise** Does the object `dna` support the operations illustrated above for a character vector, especially `length()`, `nchar()`, `[`, and `sample()`? **Exercise** Prove to yourself that at least some other useful, DNA-specific, functions exist, e.g., `reverse()` and `reverseComplement()`. **Exercise** What happens when you try to create a `DNAStringSet()` from an object such as `my_sequence`, defined above, that does not contain a DNA sequence? Warning: the message is quite cryptic, can you provide a 'human' translation? **Exercise** Why does `DNAStringSet("ACGTMRW")` not create an error, since `MRW` are not standard nucleotides? For hints, see the section 'The DNA alphabet:" on the help page `?DNAString`. ## `methods()`, help, and `browseVignettes()` The function `DNAStringSet()` returns an _object_ that has a particular class ```{r} class(dna) ``` Associated with the class are a series of _methods_ that operate on the class. **Exercise** Discover many (unfortunately, not all) methods acting on an object of class `DNAStringSet` using `methods(class = "DNAStringSet")`. Verify that `reverseComplement` is among those methods. Help pages describing a particular method can be found using `?`, with the search query quoted and with tab-completion providing hints on what the appropriate help topic is. **Exercise** Find the help page for the `reverseComplement` method operating on a `DNAStringSet` object, using `?"reverseComplement,DNAStringSet-method"`. Help pages provide a description of the technical details required for creating classes and using methods. Vignettes provide a more narrative description of overall package use. **Exercise** Use `browseVignettes(package = "Biostrings")` to see vignettes available for this package; explore a few vignettes to get a sense of possible content. ## `readDNAStringSet()` It is unlikely that we would enter 1000's of DNA sequences 'by hand'. Instead, we might read the data from a standard file format. For DNA sequences the standard file format is often a 'FASTA' file, sometimes abbreviated with an extension `.fa` and often compressed with an additional extension `.fa.gz`. An example of a FASTA file containing DNA sequences of the 2000bp upstream nucleotides of all genes annotated in the _Drosophila melanogaster_ `dm3` genome build, is distributed with the [Biostrings][] package. Here's the path to the FASTA file. ```{r} fa_file <- system.file(package="Biostrings", "extdata", "dm3_upstream2000.fa.gz") ``` **Exercise** Take a peak at the structure of a FASTA file by looking at the first five lines. ```{r} readLines(fa_file, 5) ``` The first line is an identifier, containing information about the gene `NM_078863` as well as the genomic coordinates of the sequence `chr2L:16764737-16766736`. The next lines are the DNA sequence. After a certain number of lines, a new record starts. ```{r} tail(readLines(fa_file, 44), 5) ``` We could fairly 'easily' write our own parser for this format, but this would be error-prone and unnecessary. **Exercise** Input the file ```{r} dna <- readDNAStringSet(fa_file) dna ``` **Exercise** Query the object for basic properties, e.g., it's `length()` and that the number of characters in each sequence is 2000 `unique(nchar(dna))`. ## `letterFrequency()`: calculate GC content **Exercise** Use `letterFrequency()` to determine GC content of each of the DNA sequences in `dna`. The `letters` argument should be `"GC"`; `as.prob = TRUE` returns values between 0 and 1. The data is returned as a matrix with 1 column. **Exercise** Plot the distribution of GC frequencies in the `dna` object using base graphics `hist()` and `plot(density())`, and using `ggplot()`. ## Tidy _Bioconductor_? Although _Bioconductor_ emphasizes formal objects like `DNAStringSet` rather than `tibble`-like data frames, some of the ways one interacts with tidy data can be applied to _Bioconductor_ objects. For instance, the GC content example might be written in 'traditional' form as ```{r} gc <- letterFrequency(dna, "GC", as.prob = TRUE) ``` but could be written using pipes and to reesult in a tibble for easier down-stream manipulation ```{r} gc <- dna %>% letterFrequency("GC", as.prob = TRUE) %>% tibble::as_tibble() gc ``` **Exercise** Revise other code, above, to follow this style of analysis. Are there merits / limitations of base verses 'tidy' approaches? **Exercise** Are there reasons why we did not just put our `sequences` vector of DNA sequences into a `tibble`, and go from there? # Update your markdown document Add further notes to the markdown document summarizing the functions and objects you've learned in this practical. # Provenance: finish your markdown document Finish your markdown document with a fenced section that evaluates the `sessionInfo()` command.
Here are the packages used for this practical: ```{r} sessionInfo() ``` [BiocManager]: https://CRAN.r-project.org/package=BiocManager [broom]: https://CRAN.r-project.org/package=broom [Biostrings]: https://bioconductor.org/packages/Biostrings