This page was generated on 2019-04-09 13:33:36 -0400 (Tue, 09 Apr 2019).
DeepBlueR 1.9.0 Felipe Albrecht , Markus List
Snapshot Date: 2019-04-08 17:01:18 -0400 (Mon, 08 Apr 2019) |
URL: |
Branch: master |
Last Commit: 51d8869 |
Last Changed Date: 2018-11-28 17:03:19 -0400 (Wed, 28 Nov 2018) |
| malbec2 | Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS) / x86_64 | OK | ERROR | skipped | | |
tokay2 | Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard / x64 | OK | ERROR | skipped | skipped | |
celaya2 | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan / x86_64 | OK | ERROR | skipped | skipped | |
merida2 | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan / x86_64 | OK | [ ERROR ] | skipped | skipped | |
### Running command:
### /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data DeepBlueR
* checking for file ‘DeepBlueR/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘DeepBlueR’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to build vignettes
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
Loading required package: XML
Loading required package: RCurl
Loading required package: bitops
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'R.oo':
method from
throw.default R.methodsS3
Welcome to the DeepBlueR package
DeepBlue is online
Called method: deepblue_search
Reported status was: okay
Warning in deepblue_search(keyword = "'H3k27AC' 'blood' 'peak'", type = "experiments") :
NAs introduced by coercion
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Warning in rpc.serialize(x) : Skipping names on vector!
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_list_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_count_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_request_data
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 45606 bytes (44 KB)
downloaded 44 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3e6e2557_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3e6e2557_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_list_samples
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 1394381 bytes (1.3 MB)
downloaded 1.3 MB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b38eb202_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b38eb202_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_filter_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_filter_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 2618 bytes
downloaded 2618 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2fe42d45_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2fe42d45_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_intersection
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 8189 bytes
downloaded 8189 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b5eea9a5c_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b5eea9a5c_uncompress
Loading required package: S4Vectors
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colMeans, colSums, colnames,
dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl,
intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, mapply, match, mget, order,
paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rowMeans,
rowSums, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
Loading required package: grid
Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
method from
[.quosures rlang
c.quosures rlang
print.quosures rlang
Found more than one class "file" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
Also defined by 'filehash'
Found more than one class "file" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
Also defined by 'filehash'
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_filter_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_filter_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_filter_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 21187 bytes (20 KB)
downloaded 20 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b36a198f4_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b36a198f4_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_find_motif
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_intersection
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 171602 bytes (167 KB)
downloaded 167 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1c2d8d09_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1c2d8d09_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 7420781 bytes (7.1 MB)
downloaded 7.1 MB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1e11522e_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1e11522e_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_aggregate
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 14872 bytes (14 KB)
downloaded 14 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2a82f8e5_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2a82f8e5_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_get_biosource_children
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_list_samples
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_expressions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 2048 bytes
downloaded 2048 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b28f26227_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b28f26227_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_aggregate
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 18557 bytes (18 KB)
downloaded 18 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7ed31b49_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7ed31b49_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_genes
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_flank
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_flank
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_merge_queries
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_merge_queries
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 277 bytes
downloaded 277 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b5fa5eaa6_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b5fa5eaa6_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_aggregate
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_filter_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_filter_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_get_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 32905 bytes (32 KB)
downloaded 32 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b40461847_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b40461847_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 1776 bytes
downloaded 1776 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4304f182_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4304f182_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_chromosomes
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_tiling_regions
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820604
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 12681 bytes (12 KB)
downloaded 12 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b71141fa0_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b71141fa0_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820605
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 8617 bytes
downloaded 8617 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4ec5bfc8_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4ec5bfc8_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820606
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 8502 bytes
downloaded 8502 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3df7dcd4_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3df7dcd4_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820607
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 7612 bytes
downloaded 7612 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2bf54213a_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2bf54213a_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820608
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 7791 bytes
downloaded 7791 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1e65f8fe_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1e65f8fe_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820609
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 7772 bytes
downloaded 7772 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b69edf594_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b69edf594_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820610
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 6613 bytes
downloaded 6613 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b62c6e21d_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b62c6e21d_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820611
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 6189 bytes
downloaded 6189 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b250949d6_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b250949d6_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820612
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 6516 bytes
downloaded 6516 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4446bd38_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4446bd38_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820613
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 5784 bytes
downloaded 5784 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1c624b72_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1c624b72_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820614
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 4324 bytes
downloaded 4324 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7c486894_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7c486894_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820615
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 113 bytes
downloaded 113 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7a6cb1de_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7a6cb1de_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820616
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 121 bytes
downloaded 121 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7448005a_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7448005a_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820617
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 113 bytes
downloaded 113 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4ccb5fca_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4ccb5fca_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820618
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b42e5f56d_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b42e5f56d_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820619
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 121 bytes
downloaded 121 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b17fb32a0_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b17fb32a0_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820620
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 12450 bytes (12 KB)
downloaded 12 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4bb58cad_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4bb58cad_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820621
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 10112 bytes
downloaded 10112 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b396b8a0b_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b396b8a0b_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820622
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 10467 bytes (10 KB)
downloaded 10 KB
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b283a1be1_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b283a1be1_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820623
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b155f598a_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b155f598a_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820624
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 125 bytes
downloaded 125 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b16369813_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b16369813_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820625
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b11b4ff56_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b11b4ff56_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820626
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 122 bytes
downloaded 122 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b6f96fb6e_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b6f96fb6e_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820627
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 112 bytes
downloaded 112 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4682a814_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4682a814_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820628
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2fcb72e6_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2fcb72e6_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820629
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 10165 bytes
downloaded 10165 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4f4d6c07_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4f4d6c07_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820630
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 112 bytes
downloaded 112 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3f164d1d_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3f164d1d_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820631
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 112 bytes
downloaded 112 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b19b6593b_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b19b6593b_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820632
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 121 bytes
downloaded 121 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b449b6668_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b449b6668_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820633
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 112 bytes
downloaded 112 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b214b21bb_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b214b21bb_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820634
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 169 bytes
downloaded 169 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b42646f5e_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b42646f5e_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820635
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 9849 bytes
downloaded 9849 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b419c1837_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b419c1837_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820636
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 9703 bytes
downloaded 9703 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b47b914f5_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b47b914f5_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820637
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 113 bytes
downloaded 113 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b65773c39_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b65773c39_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820638
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 8455 bytes
downloaded 8455 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b693918e3_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b693918e3_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820639
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 8292 bytes
downloaded 8292 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b274a6d42_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b274a6d42_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820640
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b35045150_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b35045150_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820641
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1c66091d_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1c66091d_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820642
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1b241df_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1b241df_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820643
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3bc76ea9_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3bc76ea9_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820644
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4acfff8f_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4acfff8f_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820645
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3e85b27e_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3e85b27e_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820646
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b6210348c_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b6210348c_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820647
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b65153b03_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b65153b03_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820648
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b29bb6adc_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b29bb6adc_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820649
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1a71cb80_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1a71cb80_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820650
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b19d65aa3_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b19d65aa3_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820651
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b58832f60_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b58832f60_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820652
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1336e922_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1336e922_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820653
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4bc9e6b0_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b4bc9e6b0_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820654
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b322c81c_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b322c81c_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820655
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7a5256bf_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7a5256bf_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820656
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b40b882b3_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b40b882b3_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820657
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b58a3fba6_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b58a3fba6_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820658
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b6bb8bf91_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b6bb8bf91_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820659
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b52374e13_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b52374e13_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820660
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3be00c83_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b3be00c83_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820661
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 76 bytes
downloaded 76 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b756d67ab_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b756d67ab_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820662
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 104 bytes
downloaded 104 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2491b0e5_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2491b0e5_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820663
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 10234 bytes
downloaded 10234 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b58e07f37_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b58e07f37_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820664
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 128 bytes
downloaded 128 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2b71e291_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b2b71e291_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820665
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 3033 bytes
downloaded 3033 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b15c0059f_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b15c0059f_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820666
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 112 bytes
downloaded 112 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1b29263b_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b1b29263b_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820667
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 122 bytes
downloaded 122 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b54b719c5_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b54b719c5_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820668
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 112 bytes
downloaded 112 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7c6340f6_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b7c6340f6_uncompress
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Downloading results for id r820669
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
fetching data
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-bzip2' length 111 bytes
downloaded 111 bytes
Decompressing downloaded file to /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b724f19f7_uncompress
Reading file from /tmp/RtmpxAqqCr/filee2b724f19f7_uncompress
Processing of 66 requests completed with 0 errors
Attaching package: 'data.table'
The following object is masked from 'package:GenomicRanges':
The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
The following objects are masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
first, second
Attaching package: 'gplots'
The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
Called method: deepblue_list_experiments
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_chromosomes
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_select_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_list_annotations
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_score_matrix
Reported status was: okay
Called method: deepblue_info
Reported status was: okay
Quitting from lines 1119-1120 (DeepBlueR.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'DeepBlueR.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
task 1 failed - "$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors"
Execution halted