This page was generated on 2019-04-08 11:28:41 -0400 (Mon, 08 Apr 2019).
R Under development (unstable) (2019-03-18 r76245) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> BiocGenerics:::testPackage("EventPointer")
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colMeans, colSums, colnames,
dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl,
intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste,
pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rowMeans, rowSums,
rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union, unique,
unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Attaching package: 'Biostrings'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
Attaching package: 'matrixStats'
The following objects are masked from 'package:Biobase':
anyMissing, rowMedians
Attaching package: 'DelayedArray'
The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':
colMaxs, colMins, colRanges, rowMaxs, rowMins, rowRanges
The following object is masked from 'package:Biostrings':
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
aperm, apply, rowsum
Attaching package: 'Matrix'
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
Creating SG Information...Creating SG Information...
Obtaining Events
| | 0%
|============ | 17%
|======================= | 33%
|=================================== | 50%
|=============================================== | 67%
|========================================================== | 83%
|======================================================================| 100%
Obtaining Events
| | 0%
|============ | 17%
|======================= | 33%
|=================================== | 50%
|=============================================== | 67%
|========================================================== | 83%
|======================================================================| 100%
Creating SG Information...Creating SG Information...Creating SG Information...Creating SG Information...Creating SG Information...Import genomic features from the file as a GRanges object ... OK
Prepare the 'metadata' data frame ... OK
Make the TxDb object ... OK
| | 0%
|=================================== | 50%
|======================================================================| 100%
Creating .txt ...
.txt created
Creating .GTF ...
| | 0%
|======== | 11%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|================ | 22%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|======================= | 33%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|=============================== | 44%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|======================================= | 56%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|=============================================== | 67%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|====================================================== | 78%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|============================================================== | 89%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
|======================================================================| 100%Called from: GetIGVPaths(Result2[jj, ], EvtEdg)
Browse[1]> debug: Gene <- as.vector(EventInfo[1, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.1"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.2"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(EventInfo[, "Path.Reference"]),
"[,-]")), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges_Orig <- SG_Edges
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: SG_Edges[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", SG_Edges[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: P1.ix <- apply(Path1, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: P2.ix <- apply(Path2, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: PR.ix <- apply(PathR, 1, function(x) {
ix <- which(SG_Edges[, 1] == x[1] & SG_Edges[, 2] == x[2])
Browse[2]> debug: Path1 <- SG_Edges[P1.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: Path2 <- SG_Edges[P2.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PathR <- SG_Edges[PR.ix, ]
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path1))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path1[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path1[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "A",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path1[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path1[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path1[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("A", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath1 <- rbind(PlotPath1, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Path2))) {
Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Path2[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Path2[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = "B",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Chr"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Path2[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Path2[ii,
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- St
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(rep(Path2[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep("B", 2)
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotPath2 <- rbind(PlotPath2, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group <- connectedComp(ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(SG_Edges_Orig[rownames(PathR),
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_along(Ref.Group)) {
LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: LL <- length(Ref.Group[[ii]])
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- cbind(Ref.Group[[ii]][seq_len((LL - 1))],
Browse[2]> debug: ixx <- row.match([[ii]]), SG_Edges_Orig[,
c(1, 2)])
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- SG_Edges_Orig[ixx, ]
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 1] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 1])
Browse[2]> debug: RR[, 2] <- gsub(".[ab]", "", RR[, 2])
Browse[2]> debug: Trs <- rep(paste("Ref", ii, sep = ""), nrow(RR))
Browse[2]> debug: RR <- cbind(RR, Trs)
Browse[2]> debug: Ref.Group[[ii]] <- RR
Browse[2]> debug: Reference <-, Ref.Group)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- c()
Browse[2]> debug: for (ii in seq_len(nrow(Reference))) {
Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]),
as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"])))
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Type <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Type"])
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "J") {
Chr <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Chr"], 2))
St <- as.numeric(c(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]), as.vector(Reference[ii,
Ed <- St
Wd <- as.numeric(rep(0, 2))
Str <- as.vector(rep(Reference[ii, "Strand"], 2))
Gn <- as.vector(rep(Gene, 2))
Trs <- rep(Reference[ii, "Trs"], 2)
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gn, transcript = Trs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
} else if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: if (Type == "E") {
Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Wd <- Ed - St
Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed,
width = Wd, strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii,
"Trs"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Chr <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Chr"])
Browse[2]> debug: St <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "Start"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Ed <- as.numeric(as.vector(Reference[ii, "End"]))
Browse[2]> debug: Wd <- Ed - St
Browse[2]> debug: Str <- as.vector(Reference[ii, "Strand"])
Browse[2]> debug: Res <- data.frame(chromosome = Chr, start = St, end = Ed, width = Wd,
strand = Str, gene = Gene, transcript = Reference[ii, "Trs"],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Browse[2]> debug: PlotReference <- rbind(PlotReference, Res)
Browse[2]> debug: Plot <- rbind(PlotPath1, PlotPath2, PlotReference)
Browse[2]> debug: return(Plot)
.txt created
Creating the sparseMatrix of paths x transcripts...
RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Mon Apr 8 00:38:43 2019
Number of test functions: 13
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
1 Test Suite :
EventPointer RUnit Tests - 13 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures
Number of test functions: 13
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
25.331 0.486 26.496