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%\VignetteIndexEntry{"4.3 - Motif enrichment plots"}
# Motif enrichment plot
Motif enrichment plot shows the enrichment levels for the selected motifs.
The plot shows the Odds Ratio (x axis) for the selected motifs with OR above 1.3 and lower boundary of OR above 1.1. The range shows the 95% confidence interval for each Odds Ratio
```{r results='hide', eval=TRUE, fig.height=6,fig.cap="The plot shows the Odds Ratio (x axis) for the selected motifs with OR above 1.3 and lower boundary of OR above 1.3. The range shows the 95% confidence interval for each Odds Ratio."}
motif.enrichment.plot(motif.enrichment = "result/getMotif.hypo.motif.enrichment.csv",
significant = list(OR = 1.5,lowerOR = 1.3),
label = "hypo",
save = FALSE)
```{r results='hide', eval=TRUE, fig.height=10,fig.cap="The plot shows the Odds Ratio (x axis) for the selected motifs with OR above 1.3 and lower boundary of OR above 1.3. The range shows the 95% confidence interval for each Odds Ratio."}
motif.enrichment.plot(motif.enrichment = "result/getMotif.hypo.motif.enrichment.csv",
significant = list(OR = 1.5,lowerOR = 1.3),
label = "hypo",
summary = TRUE,
save = FALSE)