This package is for version 3.9 of Bioconductor. This package has been removed from Bioconductor. For the last stable, up-to-date release version, see scfind.
A search tool for single cell RNA-seq data by gene lists
Bioconductor version: 3.9
Recently a very large collection of single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) datasets has been generated and publicly released. For the collection to be useful, the information must be organized in a way that supports queries that are relevant to researchers. `scfind` builds an index from scRNA-seq datasets which organizes the information in a suitable and compact manner so that the datasets can be very efficiently searched for either cells or cell types in which a given list of genes is expressed.
Author: Vladimir Kiselev
Maintainer: Vladimir Kiselev <vladimir.yu.kiselev at>
To install this package, start R (version "3.6") and enter:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.
To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:
`scfind` package vignette | HTML | R Script |
Reference Manual | ||
NEWS | Text |
biocViews | DataRepresentation, GeneExpression, ImmunoOncology, RNASeq, Sequencing, SingleCell, Software, Transcription, Transcriptomics |
Version | 1.6.0 |
In Bioconductor since | BioC 3.6 (R-3.4) (6.5 years) |
License | GPL-3 |
Depends | R (>= 3.4) |
Imports | SingleCellExperiment, SummarizedExperiment, methods, stats, bit, dplyr, hash, reshape2, Rcpp (>= 0.12.12) |
System Requirements | |
URL | |
Bug Reports | |
See More
Suggests | knitr, rmarkdown, testthat |
Linking To | Rcpp |
Enhances | |
Depends On Me | |
Imports Me | |
Suggests Me | |
Links To Me | |
Build Report | Build Report |
Package Archives
Follow Installation instructions to use this package in your R session.
Source Package | scfind_1.6.0.tar.gz |
Windows Binary | (32- & 64-bit) |
Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) | scfind_1.6.0.tgz |
Source Repository | git clone |
Source Repository (Developer Access) | git clone [email protected]:packages/scfind |
Bioc Package Browser | |
Package Short Url | |
Package Downloads Report | Download Stats |
Old Source Packages for BioC 3.9 | Source Archive |